Chapter 6

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I love writing this so much<3 thanks for all the positive feedback!

P.o.v Patrick

I stare at Georgia in complete shock and fear- she isn't normal, and neither is her friend. "We're taking you from Earth. Back to where we came from." Texas explains, sitting on the couch next to me and putting her hand on my knee, slowly sliding it up and down in a mock form of comfort.

I try shaking her off, but she doesn't budge. "You're insane, or I'm losing my mind!" I yell at her, making intense eye contact. Texas only stares right back. "Hmm... I think you'll be the easiest to break." She replies, ignoring completely what I had said.

She gets up from the couch and winks at me. I look down at Pete on the floor, then he looks up and gives Georgia a look I have never seen him give before- a look of pure hatred.

I hear Texas rummaging around in something behind me, and when she comes back around, she's holding small metal contraptions in her hands. She sits down on the coffee table and places three next to her, but keeps one in he hand.

"W-what is that?" I stutter. Texas smirks at me, and holds it up in front of my eyes. It is pretty small, about the size of a white board eraser, thinning slightly at the ends.

She suddenly springs up and grips the back of my head with one hand, slowly moving the contraption towards my mouth as I hear the others yell loudly in protest. I try to get away from it, wrenching my head back; but it doesn't work.

She presses it over my mouth, and I hear a small beep before it becomes tight and rigid over my lips, clamping them together.

Texas lets go and backs up, "It's something that'll keep you quiet, that's what it is." I ignore her words and try to make a sound, but nothing comes out.

"See? It stops everything, every sound." She says condescendingly. I glare at her as she and Georgia do it to the rest of the guys.

"Wait, how can we be so stupid? We're not allowed more than three entries!" Georgia exclaims, standing up from her position in front of Joe, a concerned, wild look in her eyes.

Texas' face goes blank, "Shit... We'll have to leave one behind."

A feeling of triumph surges through me, knowing whoever gets left behind can easily get help. But I'm confused yet again- 'only allowed three'? My brain has been working too much over the past couple of days... 

Georgia spins around slowly, contemplating her options carefully. "Joe. He's the one that'll stay." She concludes, and I see Joe- who's kneeling next to Andy -slump in relief.

Georgia gives Texas a nod, and Texas walks over to Joe, putting a hand on his head, her thumb in the center of his forehead. I instinctively lean forward on the couch, worried about whatever she has planned.

She looks at me from the corner of her eye and smiles, then she closes them. A few seconds of nothing goes by before Joe starts violently convulsing, rapidly shaking uncontrollably under her hand.

I begin to yell uselessly as anger and sadness surge through me from seeing my best friend in such pain. I stand up to only fall to the ground in an attempt to save him, and I know I am useless.

When Texas opens her eyes she rips her hand from his curls, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, collapsing motionless on the floor.

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