Chapter 25

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P.o.v Patrick

*4 hours later*

We stand in the factory that is all too familiar. I am glad we are going home, ecstatic actually, but I can't stop thinking about Ian.... If he knows I am alive, I don't know what he'd do... 

Joseph and Adam had put some sort of makeup over all of our numbers on our faces to hide them, and we easily made it past security. When we stop after walking for a while, far away from crowds, I know we are at our destination. This is where we were when the girls first brought us here.

Adam sets up two metal posts- one on the wall, the other about ten feet across -creating the blue screen. I grab Pete's hand, and he grabs Andy's.  "I can't thank you enough." I say to both Joseph and Adam, on the verge of tears. "Anything to help..." Joseph replies smiling. "Well, go on then! Back home!" Joseph yells cheerfully, a smile on his face. I look back at the others following us before taking a step into the screen, Pete and Andy by my side.


P.o.v Elisa

My phone begins ringing- an unknown number. 

Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to anyone anymore! It's been about a week since Joe died, and it's seems like years have passed since Pete, Andy, and my Patrick went missing. On the 5th ring, I decide to pick up. "Hello?" I ask, sniffling. "Elisa!! Send an ambulance to 145 Jones street! Baby, I'm home." It is Patrick. It's actually him, he's alive! He's home!

My breathing quickens as I jump up from the couch, "Ok honey I'm coming, stay there. I missed you so much, I'm calling the police now."


*5 hours later*

I sit in a chair by Patrick's bed, clutching his hand. I haven't left his side since the police got to him. And now he's sleeping in a hospital bed with four cracked ribs, a broken nose, a missing finger, burn marks, a branded number on his cheek, and more stitches and bruises than I can count. I can't even explain how much I want to kill whoever did this.

P.o.v Pete

Andy, Patrick, and I decided we would tell the police together what had happened. Whether they deem us insane or believe us, we have to find out. But with five other people who had the same experience and can testify, I think we'll be ok. 

I only needed a few stitches, and a lot of rest time due to some injuries, same with Andy- but Patrick was the worst.

Elisa tells us about Joe, and I hold in my tears to stay strong for Patrick and Andy. It's hard, but I do it anyways, because I have to. Elisa shows us all the magazines and newspapers dedicated to us and our mystery, and now the hospital is littered with paparazzi, news reporters, and emotional fans. The fans had started trends on twitter, Facebook, and all other forms of social media, called #wesurvivedthehiatusandwewillsurvivethis. I appreciate their support more than anything, but all we want right now is privacy. For now, everything is good. And I hope it stays that way.


*2 years later*

Although the emotional pain, flashbacks, and nightmares still remain, Patrick fully recovered. We are now working on another album, but no tour yet. We're taking it slow, just trying to get back into the hang of living normally. 

Dan and Phil continue their Youtube career, and announced their engagement last week. I'm so happy for them, and I got a wedding invitation in the mail. 

Nate Ruess finally recorded that song, and it was a huge hit. Since then, he went on to write more hit singles, and his band is incredibly successful. 

As for Natalie and Rose I don't even know how they're doing- they are still a mystery to me.

P.o.v Patrick

After a few long hours in the studio, I open the door to my house and close it quietly behind me, not wanting to wake Elisa. I walk into the kitchen to see a single light on above the table, a neatly folded paper in the center of it. Aw, probably from her.

I take off my jacket and pick it up, smiling. I slowly open it, and as I read the message scrawled sloppily inside I feel my heart beat race, and my blood turns icy cold:

I know you're alive. And Patrick, I'm coming back to get you

THE END!! Please hold for further updates ;) This is the end of this story! Please share your thoughts, opinions, anything!!

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