Chapter 14 "Teenagers"

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A/N: I ASK FOR YOUR PRECIOUS FORGIVENESS TODAY FOR THE LONG WAIT A PUT YOU ALL THROUGH! I hope you can forgive me and keep on reading. I had been busy because I changed schools and so many things are going on. I'll do my best for you!

•••Chapter 14 "Teenagers"•••

We arrived at the closest New York City iHop in an average of 7 minutes.

We hopped out of the van together. The guys all wore RayBans just in case and I had to remind myself I was with My Chemical Romance all along

Since the restaurant wasn't full, we got a table for 6 people quite quickly on the main division of the restaurant.

We chose our places on the uncomfortable booth.


-Mikey |◻◻| Ray

---Bob |◻◻| Jade (Me)

-Frank |◻◻| Gerard

(A/N: I hope you understood the sketch above. Mikey and Ray are sitting just beside the wall facing each other. Then come Bob and Jade and last on the edge of the table come Frank and Gerard who is beside Jade.)

I looked around curiously while we settled and waited for someone to approach and ask for out drinks. You know, I love to do people watching. I know perhaps it may be creepy to acknowledge someone who's identity you ignore is watching you and perhaps creating observations. However, as I've said before, I don't care what people think; I enjoy it.

The point here is that I looked around and I was able to draw many conclusions. I saw a little girl with her mommy. The little girl's hair was done fancily; perhaps she had just had it cut or done for a special event. There was also another table filled with elders who were playing poker or some kind of card game while gambling. That absolutely made me smile to myself, it made me glad that elders still got together and had fun, although not the way other people usually do. I assumed they gathered every week to do this and gossip.

I rotated my head a bit to look at the rest of the costumers, but was interrupted as the waiter/waitress arrived and I had to turn my attention to him/her.

Ugh, the slutty whore waitresses never fail on this type of places. Why us???

"What can I get for you, babes?" she winked confidently. Who does she think she is? Marilyn Monroe?

"Coffee" Gerard was the first to reply. Hmm. I didn't like that.



"Let's make it simpler, coffee for everyone." Bob simplified. He didn't seem charmed with the idea of the whore standing in front of us either.

After scanning our menus carefully, we chose the food we wanted to order.

I chose the ones called Red Velvet Pancakes. If you ask me, red velvet is the most delicious cake flavour there is, if you bake it right. Frank, as I deduced, chose Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I really have no logical explanation as to why the word "chocolate" is repeated twice in the menu. Mikey orders a plate full of Double Blueberry Pancakes while Ray asks for an order of CINN-A-STACK Pancakes which consist of normal buttermilk pancakes layered with a delicious cinnamon roll filling, then drizzled with rich cream cheese icing before being crowned with whipped topping. Last, but not least, Bob just has a plate of plain old Buttermilk Pancakes.

The curly-haired whore came back some time after with all our orders ready. "Enjoy, babes!" she exclaimed right before shaking her hips and leaving us alone. FINALLY!

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