Chapter 10 "Under Pressure"

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•••Chapter 10 "Under Pressure"•••

Brian's POV

I quickly checked the time on my watch: 4:10. We had to be in the arena at 4:40 to have enough time to check the sound, the equipment, warm up vocals, get the instruments on tone, do a quick checkup on the plan, get the makeup done, and get the guys on their stage clothes among other things.

"Guys! It's almost time! We have to leave NOW!" The guy's performance at Warped Tour is at 6:00. I know, we will be spending a lot of time on the pavilion before the performance even begins, but that's what we take to do all of the above and that's how it has to be done. Actually, we were supposed to park our bus at the venue along with the rest of the bands' and sleep over there and shit, but the opportunity to stay at a hotel presented itself and we couldn't resist the relaxation and at least one deserved shower after days and days of dirt and sweat accumulation.

I met Jade some moments ago when I arrived to the suite. She is absolutely lovely and I'm sure she'll bring positive things to the band. Mikey told me all about her and how she got to meet Gerard and by him, the rest of them. Everything he told me about her translated to one word: miracle. Besides, the guys seemed to be fascinated by her. I'm glad she was found.

While Mikey, Bob, Ray and Gerard grabbed their stuff, Frank approached me.

"Brian, can Jade come along? She won't even bother you. On the contrary, she could even help. She is a huge fan and she has never gone to a concert before. Please please please?" Frank begged.

I don't even have to think about it. The answer is definite. I nodded.

"Hey kid! Jade! Grab your stuff; you are coming along." I can't tell if I have ever seen a happier girl in my whole life.

Jade's POV

I can't believe it!!! This must surely be a crazy dream of mine. OH MY GOD! My heart was beating 999,999 times per second. I was going with My Chemical Romance to their very own performance at Warped Tour!

While the boys boarded the van, I called my dad to explain.

"Hello? Dad?...I'm fine... Don't worry...No... Hey, do you remember that band I like tons?... Remember! The one you always tease me about?... Yeah? Well, they are here and giving a concert tonight... Aha... Turns out they are staying at our hotel and I met them!...Dad? You there?... I met them! They invited me to the concert.... I'm not asking! I'm going!... Not that you care anyway... Whatever... You have fun... Bye."

It was more like a let-you-know call rather than a can-I-please-go call. He doesn't care much this days. Besides, it'll be good for him and my sister to have a little weight off their shoulders. And perhaps it was also time to give myself a little treat.

I realised they have loaded everything into the van so I got on too. I sat between Bob and Gerard. Oh no, my fucking retard idiot smile is back! Hell!

"Thank you guys! You'll never know how much this means to me." Almost all of them replied with a pleasant "you are welcome, love" and "thank yourself", except for Gerard who was sitting next to me. He had a thoughtful expression drawn on his face. I decided to sit back and enjoy the trip.


Once we got to the pavilion, things twisted into something of a crazy, messy chaos I couldn't identify myself with and I found myself standing on a spot like a soldier. I was extremely confused at the moment. Everyone seemed to be busy and had some errand to run, except for me. The guys, Brian, and staff I had never met before, passed around me with any sign of recognition.

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