Chapter 1 "Cancer"

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•••Chapter 1 "Cancer"•••

The day, or night, I first met him was a dark, rainy, night at the beginning of August; now 4 months since my mum....died on April. It's still hard for me to say it and even harder to admit it. Anyway, I don't talk much about her to anyone. Not even my dad or little sister, but since you ought to know everything because that's what I'm writing for, I'll tell you.

Her name was Katherine and she was the sweetest woman ever. Hating cancer for me is very natural because as some of you already guessed, she died of it. Breast cancer. But the worst part of the situation is that I didn't have enough time to admit that she was sick and had to die eventually. I wish you knew what that caused because I don't really want to say it out loud, but since you don't know, I guess I'll have to tell you. Since I didn't admit to myself that she was sick on time, I couldn't...I couldn't tell her I loved her. Of course, it's not like I hadn't told her I loved her before in life, but I usually blame myself because she probably was gone with the sadness I caused for not telling her I loved her in the hardest stroke of her life.

She did so many things for me. Things as simple as making breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole family and things as complicated as giving advice, risking herself for me and never complaining about how hard her life was. I owe her too much, to be honest.

I'm still trying to get over it and take the fact that life still goes on and I'd better enjoy it to its best. I'm trying to be strong. For my sister, who I know is struggling as hard as I am. For me.

Now, lets get back to the story. Since my mum had....passed away 4 months ago, my dad, my sister, and I packed and went on vacation. Whoa whoa whoa! I know what you are thinking; that since we were free from her grip we celebrated by going on a luxurious trip. Well, if so, you are wrong. Two weeks after her...death we couldn't stand it any longer; living in the house she used to live in, looking at all her stuff daily because we weren't strong enough to throw it away, thinking about her every time we walked around town. You can probably imagine it, a lot of pressure and sadness and depression. So, we had to go away for a while and just relax.

We have been disconnected from the outer world for around 3 months. No work, no family, of course no school since it's summer vacation, just us. I still call my friends and family and they call me now and then to talk. I guess we won't attend school right after it starts. My dad's boss gave him space and time to relax and get over it, but my dad is not so easy.

Right now, we are in a hotel in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania: where it all happened.

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