Chapter 2 "Sleep"

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to all of my Instagram followers and readers. To be honest, when I first wrote this chapter I did not know Fight was gonna become into something special for me, let alone all of you. Who is a writer without her readers? YOU ROCK! Enjoy!


•••Chapter 2 "Sleep"•••

That night was one of my sleepless nights. As some already read, I usually get insomnia at night and its really hard for me to fall asleep, so I usually entertain myself doing other activities such as push-ups, texting, watching TV until I get tired and don't have an option other than to sleep.

That night, I got my insomnia. I laid awake looking up at the ceiling thinking about what I could do with my life now that Mum was gone. Unfortunately, nothing came to my mind.

While I twisted and shifted in bed to find my comfortable spot, a smell I hated reached my nose. Whether someone was smoking or the hotel was on fire I didn't know, but I was determined to find out because the smell was getting stronger and denser and I was sure I wasn't the only client with the complaint in mind. Luckily, my dad and 10 year old sister were still asleep when I stood up from my bed and walked to the door, rubbing both my eyes and fixing my hair a little bit as I did so.

I opened the door as careful as possible and poked my head out of my room. Don't worry. It wasn't a fire. We were safe.

I scanned the hallway for the source of the smokey scent and almost jumped at the vision of a guy more or less my age sitting on the floor with his back against the wall beside the room just in front of mine. He looked hopeless. He look shattered. Perhaps he was drunk. I had no idea. But I had an idea of where the smell came from; he had a cigarette in his hand from which he had just taken a drag from. I approached and stood in front of him awaiting for him to notice me, but his eyes didn't see me immediately because they were very interested scanning the carpet pattern below us. Damn, he looked sad.

"Excuse me? You aren't supposed to be smoking up here" I told him in a friendly tone.

"And who are you to tell me that?" He answered rudely. After his reply, I had lost all concern for him. All those thoughts of him being sad and depressed flew away like butterflies on springtime.

I ain't the type of person to keep quiet when being offended. "Someone trying to sleep in the room opposite you but can't because of the awful smell you are producing. Someone who deserves respect and isn't getting any."

He seemed surprised, like out of place. How did I know? His shoulders shifted uncomfortably while he sat with his back as straight as possible. Then, he looked up at me for the first time since I first talked to him. Hazel eyes, long black hair, thin nose, fine lips. He looked so cute and handsome, but unfortunately, his expression ruined it all. He wasn't smiling, he wasn't smirking, he wasn't serious, he wasn't frowning. He appeared to be depressed, low, down, sad, and for a second I thought he had been crying earlier but, how could I know?

After that, it all happened so fast. My brain made a click. I realised. I was in shock for a couple of seconds. I came back to reality. I stared at him wide-eyed. Unbelievable.

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