Chapter 9: I Like Iris

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Yoongi looked over at the woman who walked closely by him. Swallowing when his hand accidentally seemed to graze hers, he focused on bringing his arms up as he crossing them over his chest a bit, smiling over at her cheekily when she glanced over at him oblivious.

"So what's the plan?" she asked as she looked down the semi-busy street, eyeing down the various shops that they could possibly hit to gather ingredients. It was probably only going to take about a half-hour so she felt bad for having him drive all the way out here.

At moments like these, she missed not having Shawn around anymore. It was still hard to deal with a sad you that was left studying at home. You tried to hide that you were upset by blaming your silence on your work but none of it worked as Iris saw right through you. You missed Shawn. Even after gathering your things and coming to crash with Iris, she could tell it was a pain. Sighing internally, Iris rolled her eyes at both of her friend's being stubborn,

"Ingredients right?" he asked softly, debating on whether or not he should propose what he truly wanted to do today with the girl.

"Right," Iris said, snapping away from her thoughts as she focused on the grey haired man.

He asked if she was alright and she nodded quickly, smiling in order for him to believe her. He did, nodding as he looked forward again.

Looking over at the different grocery shops they could possibly go into, Yoongi swallowed hard when the girl moved over to one of them, almost walking towards the motion-detected doors to enter.

Iris stopped and looked over at him in confusion when he seemed to hold her wrist above her hoodie lightly. Glancing down at his hand that slowly crept down to her hand, she nervously moved her hand shyly away when his fingers grazed her palm.

He noticed her reaction to him doing that and smiled nervously, taking a step back.

"Did you need something?" she asked, putting a strand of loose hair behind her ear as she crossed her arms at her chest, her hand tingling from his touch still.

"Yeah, I just was thinking," he said slowly, smiling lightly as he built up the courage to speak to her, "that um, since we're here why not have a little fun before buying the ingredients?"

Iris moved her converse closer to one another, awkwardly looking down at her feet. "Fun?" she asked softly, confused over what they could possibly do together on this long street.

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah we could hang out until closing," he said laughing lightly when the girl's eyes darted up to meet his.

"Hang out?"

"Why so shocked? We've been doing just that for weeks now," he said, eyes narrowing at her cute and awkward.

"No," she corrected, "I've been teaching you how to bake. Not exactly hanging out..."

"Well it was more than that to me," he admitted, feeling his ears go red as he said it. The fluttering in his stomach going insane when she smiled hugely over at him.

"Really?" she asked breathless.

He nodded, grinning before awkwardly taking a step back. Iris bit at her inner cheek from smiling.

Moving his hands over to the front of the sidewalk, Iris bowed her head a bit in thank you as she moved to start walking beside him again.

Yoongi made sure not to have his side graze hers on accident.


Although the street wasn't busy yet because of the early timing they had arrived. There were still one or two stares and whispers from people who seemed to have recognized Yoongi. Iris tried not to flush as she heard someone talking about her at one point. It was clear that a few people were confused over her being by him.

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