Chapter 15: Pull Out Game Strong

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A/N: bro. BRO. Mature themes for sure with this one, oops!


3:37 p.m.

"She kissed you?"

You nudged Jungkook who was smiling a little to himself, his confusion getting the best of him however. You sighed, remembering the day you had with your friend and how she had finally just confided in you the entire day today. Missing your classes to finally just bond with the woman you once called your sister, you tried to be there as a good friend.

"Like you didn't know about her feelings for me," you mumbled, still a bit irritated that Jungkook hadn't warned you about Racy potentially coming to speak to her about such an epiphany.

"It was something she was supposed to share with you on her own," he sighed out, cuddling with you in the guest room of Shawn's place, moving your textbooks away so he could place his feet onto the sheets.

"I'm glad she got all of it off her chest," you sighed out, remembering the woman a vulnerable mess after the kiss. The fact that you two calmed down and went out for a drink helped out for both of you to simply spend healthy time with one another.

"I was shocked when she told me as well," he said softly, "but I didn't see her any differently. So what if she's bisexual...she's still Racy. She's still a friend."

"I was shocked too."

"Hey," Jungkook teased, "an early birthday present from Racy don't you think?"

You rolled your eyes over him finding this so amusing. Figuring it was because Racy was respectful enough to tell and discuss this with Jungkook before hand probably made him more chill about it. Also probably because I'm in love with him can be why he's not worried either, you popped internally, trying not to smile.

"I love her," you said softly, cuddling into your boyfriend's neck. He seemed to look over at you and chuckle, you rolled your eyes. "I love her as a friend," you corrected, "she's my best friend and I want to work on making things okay with her again. I've forgiven both you and her...I've moved on. It's about pushing past all that now."

"You've grown so much it amazes me," Jungkook said lightly, grinning before kissing your forehead.

"I can say the same for you," you piped, laughing before moving away from him.

"Yeah many different parts of me have grown," he teased, grinning slyly as he leaned down and playfully started to kiss at your neck as you grabbed your textbooks again.

Whining and trying not to laugh as he took the textbooks away from you, you laughed as he pinned you below him.

"Why not test that out?" he asked before leaving butterfly kisses down your jaw.

You let your eyes flutter closed, moving closer underneath him before hugging the boy's sweater that hugged his form.

There was a soft knock on the door. Watching Jungkook stop and look down at you in confusion as he still hovered over you, your eyes widened a slight bit when you heard a soft voice from the other side.

"Y/N you still studying?" the soft voice asked, "I've brought back a little snack for the both of us if you'd like that right now."

"Who's that?" Jungkook whispered down at you.

"Serina I'll get it later, thank you so much," you sweetly yelled out, smiling over at Jungkook who was confused.

Hearing her obliviously agree and walk away from the closed door, you tried not to laugh at Jungkook slightly scared. "That was Shawn's sister, holy shit I forgot you two lived with one another here," he chimed, his brain still not able to wrap around the fact that Shawn wasn't the one lingering around the room's. He remembered all the times he'd have to sneak in and out of the house because of the boy.

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