Chapter 26: I Do Know Where He Is

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Shawn rolled his eyes when their professor before the class started the lecture early. Sighing, he opened up at his textbook and tried his best to focus, tired eyes daring to fall in and out of sleep. Having the pen's end between his lips, he tapped at the end of it, having it spring into a wave repeatedly.

Looking up when he heard someone shuffling next to him, he looked over, tapping on to the pen too hard causing it to flip out of his mouth. He panicked as he tried to save it, chuckling nervously when he did and looked over at the woman who sat a seat away from him.

She seemed to be looking at him in confusion. The smile on her face however made Shawn's stomach flutter. She was beautiful...

"Hi," he popped out, glancing over at their professor still talking.

The woman stalled with bringing her textbook up for a moment as she talked to the boy. "Hello," she said sweetly, "good morning." She chuckled slightly out of nerves and he grinned hugely as he licked down at his bottom lip and looked forward.

"I'm Shawn," he started, arching his neck back cutely as he looked at her with his head tilted, "Shawn-"

"Letsbi," the woman finished, smiling kindly, "I know who you are."

"Oh," he said grinning, "well in that case...Letsbi-friends."

The woman pursed her lips from laughing and he grinned hugely at the fact that he managed to get her to snort slightly. It was a cute sound.

"Let's not," she said teasingly, looking forward and trying to divert her attention to the front.

"Aw why not?" He asked, attention fully on her and only her.

"You know exactly why," she said slowly, grinning when he leaned in more from his seat and looked down at what she was noting down.

"Rumours huh?" He asked, eyes narrowing over at the woman testing.

"Yes," she popped cutely, "Rumours...that stem to be true I'm guessing."

"Did any of them mention of me being adorable and sweet?" He asked, grinning hugely as he flashed his pearly whites over at her.

"No," she chimed, trying not to smile over at the boy who whispered over at her. She tried to let any of it affect her because she knew his reputation. She knew how much he got around for being a smooth ass.

"Well I am," he softly let out, arching his brows over at her when she looked his way.

"Good to know your a decent human being," she said teasingly, giggling when he rolled his eyes.

"What? Scared of an ex gang leader?" He popped, slouching into his seat as he looked over at the front again.

"No," she said truthfully, "it's not that."

His brows furrowed. Glancing over at her smiling lightly as she wrote, he pursed his lips from laughing. "Then what you scared of?" He asked, challenging.

The woman glanced over at him, "having you get too attached," she teased, grinning before looking over at her paper again.

"Would you like to see if I do?" He asked teasingly, playing along with she banter.

"Depends," she said slowly, "promise you won't get cocky if I agree to going out with you?"

"Can't make any promises sweetheart," he purred, grinning when she seemed to flush a bit. He could see she was fighting off her nervous state when trying to compose himself before him.

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