Chapter 21: My Future Daughter-in-law

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A/N: it's a short chapter but only cause the next one will be long ;)


It felt like hours for Freeda to get Kai to calm down. She was pacing while giving Kai Iris's baked cookies they had left in the fridge. Adding that with a bit of milk and an apology, Freeda groaned when Kai continued to glare over at her as she slowly ate her cookies on the couch.

"Okay he was just so happy over the baby and it slipped out okay?" she piped as she continued to pace by the couches, "plus you refused to talk to him."

Kai pouted, "I wanted to tell him myself," she said slowly, chewing her cookie slowly as she imagined the man finding out. She had held off on telling him knowing she loved seeing happy and surprised...

Freeda's eyes softened at that.

"You'll get to take him to the appointments if you feel like...when he comes back that is."

Kai took a cookie off the bowl that rested on the top of her stomach, blinking slowly as she suddenly started to feel incredibly sleepy. "I want him here," she sighed out, groaning as she moved the bowl away from her and put chugged down the rest of the milk.

"I thought you didn't," Freeda chimed, grinning.

Kai pouted, closing her eyes as she let her head rest on the couch. "He didn't deserve finding out about Jimin and me the way he was unfair," she said softly, trying not to tear up again. Groaning again, she wiped at her eyes when remembering the man crying before he left. It was the first time she had seen him that much of an emotional wreck, "I'm so hormonal!"

Freeda chuckled, grabbing a cookie for herself, "Yes you are," she chimed, taking a bite.

She tried not thinking about Iris and you and how long it had been since she had seen you. Sighing, she looked over at Kai who seemed to jump awake at the sound of the doorbell ring.

"Frees," Kai softly breathed out, struggling to get up from the couch. Holding on to Freeda's arm as leverage, Kai wobbled a bit as she stood, sighing as she had her hands out, "who's out here so early?"

"Jimin?" Freeda chimed, shrugging as she suggested it.

Kai sighed, moving to the door instead of sending Freeda. The best friend followed her however, moving to have Kai's back if anything upsetting took place. If it was Jimin, Freeda hoped they'd simply work things out.

Slowly opening at the door when the ring went crazy, Kai's eyes met an older woman. Glancing over at her shiny brown toned skin, Kai's lips parted at how beautiful and gentle the woman looked for her age.

"Hello," Kai said softly, opening the door a bit more when Freeda was trying to poke her head out.

Watching the woman glance over at the both of them, Kai watched the woman wail out in another language when seeing her baby bump. Kai rubbed at it soothingly, pursing her lips from smiling when the stranger clapped at her hands in joy.

"How beautiful!" the woman piped, pinching at Kai's cheek.

"I'm sorry," Freeda said chuckling at the excited stranger, "may I ask who you are?"

Kai was simply smiling over at the sweet woman to even notice that she was a complete stranger. Looking over at the brown woman when sudden voices were heard from down the hall, Freeda's brows jumped at what you and Serina said next.

"That's Shawn's mom," you piped, petrified from behind the woman.

Serina was swallowing hard too as she waved awkwardly at Kai and Freeda herself, "y-yeah, that's my mom."

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