Chapter 37: Please Marry Me.

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A/N: LOokie LOokie! I've finally decided on the face of Yoongi and Iris's boy. The gif is it. That's their boy all grown. Enjoy lmao.

Listen to my jam while reading if you please:


Iris giggled to herself while looking over at the man who spoke to her baby belly. He spoke over her nightie, kissing the side of her bump as he talked over to their child that still remained hidden inside her.

Iris had a content smile on her face as she moved to gently pet and play with Yoongi's hair soothingly as he continued to converse with the fetus.

"When you come out, we'll have loads of fun yeah?" Yoongi piped, wanting so bad to just see his child already, "I don't know if you're a boy, or a girl, and heck, I don't want to know yet. I want it to be a surprise but when you do come out, let's plot against your Eomma."

Iris giggled again, teasingly gripping at Yoongi's hair in a punishment. Yoongi simply moaned when she did before moving up to kiss her lips lightly. "Pull at my hair later," he cooed, "I'm talking to our kid right now."

She pursed her lips from smiling at the scolding tone he entailed before he went back to mumbling over at her belly. She rubbed at the top of it gently, curiously eyeing Yoongi every moment as he grew tired.

"Hun sleep," she said lightly, knowing he had been working incredibly hard for weeks now with just trying to get his mixtape out. On top of that, the albums and preparations for more Bangtan hits had to be dealt with as well.

He moaned in frustration, moving away from her belly before moving to lay cuddled into her arm. She hugged him securely, still playing with his hair as he snuggled towards her. "I don't want to," he mumbled, exhausted, "If I sleep now I simply wake up to walking away from you tomorrow again. I hate seeing you so late at night."

"Well I kind of like it," she popped teasing, grinning a tiny smirk, "when you come back you're always so's adorable."

Yoongi grinned, looking up from her arm and at her face. "You like me being needy?" he piped amused, smiling hugely as eyed over every visible inch of the glowing woman.

She moved her hand over and past her belly before lightly grazing at her cheek. She nodded, smiling lightly before having her finger outline the square of his jaw. She lightly made him shiver from her touch.

"I love you," she said softly, winking over at him when he urged her to continue. She did, she continued, "my baby daddy," she purred out the last bit, laughing when he wiggled his brows in amusement over her calling him that.

Shoving him away, he chuckled before sitting up onto the bed next to her. Studying the side of her face, he loved it. He loved her face, the way the very sight of it made his stomach flutter. It wasn't just a physical effect.

Sure she was beautiful, but below it all, the warmness and kindness from her slightest smile directed his way is what he looked forward to every day the most. Her smile.

The crinkle by her nose that dented in when she grew nervous. Sure it was a physical quirk, but it reminded Yoongi of all the times she'd fall over, trip, poke him in the eye, or kick him straight between the legs. She was imperfectly perfect and he fell for her more and more every time she were to accidentally hurt herself or, even better, hurt him. Yoongi tried not to laugh at his own thoughts.

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