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Sapphire snuck into her bedroom quietly, making sure that she didn't make any noise as she opened the window.

She took her suitcase and began piling things inside. It was clear that her mother wasn't happy with her newfound ability. Sapphire really didn't know what else to do - sure she had her father and she had her newfound friend, Dawn, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to continue living her life the way that it was after the incident with her mother.

She pulled out her phone and texted Dawn. She was the only person Sapphire really wanted to see.

She wasn't even sure if Dawn would respond, but after about 15 minutes, she saw something appear near her window. She gasped when she realized that it was Dawn.

Sapphire opened her window as Dawn fell inside the room.

"Thanks for coming over, Dawn. It means a lot to me you would show up considering how late it is." Sapphire said.

"No problem, girl!" she smiled, "So what's up, buttercup?"

Sapphire sighed as she sat down on her bed, "Well, promise not to tell anyone..." she trailed off.

"What, you're going to run away or something?" Dawn asked, looking at her straight in the eye, her face serious.

"Oh wow...uh...yes," Sapphire confessed.

"I mean when you have a suitcase sprawled out and you are packing it late into the night. Why are you running away?" Dawn asked.

Sapphire didn't say anything, but she knew that she could trust her enough to show her this. After all, her parents already know, might as well tell her closest friend.

She heard Dawn say "Wow.." as Sapphire swished some water into the air. Sapphire looked at Dawn, trying to see what her thoughts were on her secret. Dawn just smiled and held Sapphire's hand.

Sapphire looked down and saw that a dim green glow had formed. She saw Dawn's dark brown hair transform into a light brown near the roots of her hair and her once brown eyes switched into a vibrant green.

Dawn let go of Sapphire's hand to reveal a small flower sitting in the base of her palm. Sapphire's jaw dropped.

"Y-You..." Sapphire trailed off.

Dawn just giggled, "One of the four children who have powers? Yes, you are correct. I possess the power of earth, and I just found out that you possess water as a power."

Sapphire was just astounded.

"That means we just need to find out the other person," Sapphire whispered to herself, but Dawn overheard.

"Wouldn't that be two more people...or did you already find another person?" Dawn asked taking the hair tie out of her hair.

"I found another person - he lives in the woods that are close by my walk to school. He has fire, and that's where I wanted to head off to." Sapphire explained, getting a nod from Dawn.

They began to pack clothes in her suitcase.

"Ooo this looks cute!" Dawn said, looking at one of Sapphire's shirts.

"Yeah, thanks," Sapphire mumbled, putting more clothes in her suitcase.

"So...when do you plan on leaving?" Dawn asked, going through her closet.

"Oh, I was hoping if I was lucky tonight, but if not, I'm going to leave early in the morning," Sapphire replied, looking through all of her hair brushes.

"Holy crap, do you need that many hairbrushes?" Dawn said, pointing to all of her hair brushes.

"Listen, man, taking care of my hair requires a lot of attention." Sapphire joked.

Dawn smiled and went back to going through Sapphire's closet. "How much more do you need to put in that humongous suitcase you got there?" Dawn said, poking at the suitcase, which was beginning to get larger by how many "necessities" she put in there.

"Oh, I just need some water and I'll be good," Sapphire said, halfway zipping up her suitcase.

"Sapphire, you can make water out of your hands," Dawn said, lightly smacking the back of Sapphire's head.

"Oh yeah!" Sapphire laughed, feeling embarrassed.

Dawn was on the lawn, as Sapphire made the finishing touches to her suitcase. "Okay, suitcase coming down in 3...2..." Sapphire counted.

She let go of the suitcase and at the bottom, she heard, "Suitcase safe!" Sapphire turned off her lights and proceeded to go to the opened window.

"Ready?" Dawn asked.

"I can't really see where you are..." Sapphire said, looking around for Dawn.

She suddenly saw the familiar green. "How about now?" Dawn asked.

"Yep!" Sapphire said, feeling her eyes burn and saw her reflection in the window.

Her eyes were bright and her hair straight.

She was ready.

She was ready to escape this miserable life and live another life, and not be an outcast. She took a deep breath and jumped from the window.

They began trotting to the forest, with Sapphire leading the way as Dawn followed her from behind.

"Where are we going, Saf?" Dawn asked.

"Fire boy. We are going to see the fire boy." Sapphire said, giving Dawn a smile.

Dawn just smiled back, not really knowing what to do. She wondered what this boy would be like. Sapphire seemed to like him well enough, so surely he couldn't be that bad.

"We'll be here in a few minutes." Sapphire reassured, "You won't have to walk for miles on end."

As they were walking, they talked about miscellaneous things.

"If you didn't have earth powers, what would you be doing when you were older?" Sapphire asked.

"I wanted to be a translator." Dawn replied, "What about you, Sapphire?"

Sapphire was silent for a moment, "I really liked the idea of going into the medical field." she confessed.

"That would've gotten you a lot of money!" said Dawn.

"Yeah...but being able to drench anyone whenever I wanted would be more fun. Being a doctor would be extremely stressful!" Sapphire laughed.


After a good bit of walking, they had finally reached the woods.

These woods were quite lovely in Sapphire's eyes. It wasn't overcrowded and it wasn't all torn down. It was perfect for the town.

"How exactly are we supposed to find this 'fire boy'?" Dawn asked.

"Say, how well can you use your powers?" Sapphire said, turning to look at her.

"Decent, why?" Dawn shrugged.

"Easy. Make a tree." Sapphire said, putting her suitcase down.

"Uh...wow...I've never made a tree before..." Dawn said, a bit thrown off.

"See over there? That place is empty ground. Why don't you make a tree over there? It'll surely bring the attention of him." Sapphire explained.

"Um...okay then," Dawn said as she walked over to the blank spot.

She kneeled on the ground, closing her eyes as she concentrated on the tree. Almost immediately, her hair changed color. She opened her eyes and placed her hands on the ground. Suddenly, the ground began shaking mildly.

She clenched her teeth as the tree began to sprout out of the ground. She slowly began getting up as the tree went higher and higher into the air. Once the tree had reached a little bit above all the other trees, she threw her hands up right into the air. The tree began growing branches and dark green leaves. On some of the branches, there were visible flowers. She stood up tall and straight, proud and amazed at what she had created.

But both of them did not notice the faint red glow from the back.

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