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Everyone stared in horror as Camden ran up to the corpse, lightly shaking it.

Tesla wasn't breathing. She was freezing cold.

Ceren just stared from the back, not knowing whether or not he should feel sad, or happy.

Camden began to break as reality hit that Tesla died, tears falling down his face, being replaced with more every few seconds. After a few moments of nothing but the sound of sobs, Camden looked his head up. His hands went into fists as he saw Ceren just stand and stare.


The team decided that enough was enough.

Sapphire looked at Ceren with an unemotional expression, before making waves appear. The waves wrapped around him almost like a tornado.

Ceren tried to break free but his struggle just made it worse. Once he was too weak to do anything, they dropped the waves, making him fall hard onto the ground.

"C'mon, we've had too much for one day," Dawn said, as she made a flower grow from her palm.

She placed the flower on the corpse, staring at her once-living friend. They all said their good-byes to their beloved friend, as they made their way out.

Dawn looked at the broken Camden, staring at Tesla with watery eyes. She took his hand and used her other hand to pat his back, trying to comfort him.

As the team went off, they kept on thinking about the possibilities of their deaths too.


Busy workers at the office were in disbelief when they heard the news that one of the kids with the powers had been exterminated.

They cheered, since of how scarce the number of deaths there were in the past century. They heard the doors open and everyone's head went right towards the sound.

There, was their boss, with a cup of coffee, and his signature "What are you doing" expression.

"Now, what is it that you have to ruin my coffee break?" he grumbled.

"Boss, you'll never believe it. One of the targets is now gone!" one of the workers said, showing a large smile.

The boss looked around in disbelief since that thought seemed rather unbelievable. Once he knew that they were telling the truth, he immediately had a smile matching the one of his worker's face,

"That's terrific! Now only if we could get the other four, then we could be able to make sure that the powers don't get passed down any longer." he said.


The team was all shaken and exhausted from what the day had brought them.

It's not an everyday thing to see what they had witnessed. As the sun began to go down, and Camden was slightly better, they decided that they needed to stay somewhere.

"Do you think that the rest of the hunters would find us?" Phoenix asked.

"It's a possibility, but since we kinda wiped out most of them, the possibility is small," Sapphire said, looking at the sky as it slowly darkened. Phoenix just nodded.

"Hold on, maybe we can just make a tree of some sort since no one is around." Dawn suggested. Camden just stayed silent near the back as he clung to Dawn's arm.

"Seems legit enough. Cam, if you want to sleep tonight, you gotta let go of Dawn for a few seconds." Phoenix said, softly, about to touch his back.

Camden flinched at the touch as he clung to Dawn's arm, even more, squeezing tighter as he dug his face into her shoulder.

Dawn softly smiled as ran a hand through the boy's hair, "I can try to use one hand for this so Camden doesn't have to let go."

Dawn began doing her magic, making the tree from out of the ground, the roots sprawled out, as the base of the tree began to form. Once that was all created, she topped it off with thick branches, have smaller ones, and leaves to embroider the thick branches. They all took a step back to admire what the tree looked like.

"Sweet" Camden squeaked, his voice cracking due to his constant crying.

Dawn turned to him and smiled. "Might as well head up the tree and get settled."

As everyone went up the tree and rested, they all wondered about where they were bound to end up. 

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