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The rest of the day was pretty mellow for the three children - they decided to take a lazy day.

Sapphire and Phoenix took a nap in the trees while Dawn went into the city, trying to find out more information about the other person.


Dawn didn't know whether or not the library would have any books about powers considering that powers were sort of a taboo.

She entered the library, looking around to make sure that she didn't know anyone. She quietly walked into the library and smiled at the librarian who was sitting at the desk.

She went over to the nonfiction section of the library, hoping she would find remotely anything on the concept of powers. She didn't even know if she would be looking in the right section - maybe anything that would be on powers would be found in the fiction section. 

While she was looking through all the books, she saw someone that caught her eye.

There was a boy that was wearing a gray sweatshirt that looked a little too big on him. He was wearing jeans and extremely weathered black sneakers. His hair midnight black and his skin were so pale Dawn wondered if he had ever been seen in the sun. 

The boy was looking at a section of the library was that themed on music.

He took a book off the shelf that was themed around brass instruments. He turned towards the lounge area and sat down, digging his nose right into the book.

Dawn stared at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out more about him.

He seemed...a little strange.

She took a book from a shelf and saw that it was about mythical history. She skimmed through the book and went to go sit down by the band geek.

The boy instantly looked up from his book to see who was there. After a moment, he smiled kindly,

"Hello," he said, placing his book aside.

"Hey," Dawn shortly replied. 

She felt like she needed to get more information out from him. He stuck out too much for him to just be a bystander. 

"Do you like instruments?" asked Dawn. 

He looked up at her, his eyes lit up. "Yes! Yes, I do! In fact, I play over 10 different instruments at the moment," he explained, turning to show Dawn something inside his book.

"See this instrument? That was the first instrument that I ever learned how to play. Although I do not own a cello personally, the school where I go to does, and I used to play cello there. But I have to play saxophone because they needed more of them, but hey I'm not complaining." he explained, smiling over the fact that someone was not making fun of him for his passion.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I know I've been talking this entire time. Do you play anything?" he asked.

"Well, I used to play the flute. Very recently, I've stopped, but I still know how to play it very well." Dawn replied.

"If you're interested, I have a concert tonight, would you like to come and see me perform? I'm in a band that also performs around the city, and you seem to be interested in music, so I thought I would invite you," he said, looking at her.

Dawn thought that even though she wasn't nearly as excited as him about music, this was the most excitement that had happened in a long while.

"Sure, I'd love to," she answered, giving him a small smile.

"See you there," he said, giving her a wink. 

He then paused, as if he just realized what he had done, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that."

Dawn giggled and opened her book to begin reading. 

 "Oh, I'm Camden by the way," he said, sticking his hand out.

Dawn smiled, she enjoyed this boy's company, "Dawn," she replied, shaking his hand.

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