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Sapphire and Dawn climbed up the tree and sat on one of the sturdy branches, admiring the city.

They did live in a small town, but close by was a city that people usually went to go shopping and out to eat at. They loved how they could live in a small community, and then go and get groceries in the big city.

They watched the city lights shine as they heard the cars fly by. Sitting at this exact location, sort of made them forget about everything.

It made them forget about how they had powers and could never be the average human being. It made them forget about how people thought of them.

Hell, it even made them forget about all the people who thought that those two were weirdos, outcasts, freaks, nerds, and other insults. To the normal human eye, it was just a city. To them, it was beautiful.

They were so engulfed in the city, that they didn't hear Phoenix climb up the tree.

"City sure is a beauty," he said.

Both of them quickly turned around. "Now, I haven't met you before, what is your name?" he asked.

"My name is Dawn. I'm number 3 out of 4 kids," she explained, gesturing her arms towards the tree.

"Wait a minute, so you are the one who made this entire tree?" he asked, surprised. 

"Why yes, yes I did." she smiled.

Phoenix was just so shocked over the fact that one person made such a large tree. "It's...magnificent," he whispered. 

 "Thank you. It was the first time I had ever attempted at making a tree, so I find that very nice of you to say." Dawn said.

"So, about the other person..." Sapphire trailed off.

"We really should figure out what their power might be. So we already have fire, earth, and water." Phoenix stated.

"Could animals be a part of that?" Sapphire asked.

"Possibly, but then again, we have elementals. That is the pattern of powers." Dawn explained.

"What if the person has wind?" Phoenix suggested.

"Ooo good one Phoenix!" Sapphire said.

"Do you think that they'll even know that they had powers, kinda like what happened to Sapphire?" Dawn asked.

"That is always a possibility, and if so, that would make the process a lot harder," Sapphire stated.

"We need to figure out a plan," Phoenix placed a fist into his hand.

"What could we do? I mean, we have 3/4 of the kids in town, so wouldn't it be accurate if we searched around town?" Sapphire shrugged.

"I think that it might be a bit trickier than that. We already had it easy finding us." Dawn pointed out.

"True, true," Phoenix agreed.

"Ugh, I can't see any of you. Yo' Phoenix, turn on a light will ya?" Sapphire said, scooting a bit towards the tree.

Suddenly, a bright flame sprawled through the air. "Better?" Phoenix asked.

"Much better," Dawn replied.

They began talking about where the whereabouts of the other person might possibly be. They discussed how they could try to find the last one by pretending to be other kids and go to their school.

"But what if they are homeschooled?" Sapphire asked.

"Oh yeah, that definitely is an option," Phoenix whispered.

"Maybe this should be something we could talk about in the morning." Dawn suggested as she yawned.

"Yeah, I think we all need some sleep," Phoenix agreed, and in a few minutes, all three were sleeping.


There was a boy playing on his tablet. He was playing some game about blocks when he felt a breeze go through his window.

"That's funny," he thought, "it's not windy." 

He went over to his window and closed it, making sure to lock the window. He wasn't tired, although it was almost 12 in the morning. He was always a night-owl, ever since birth.

He didn't really care though, because he always got enough sleep, no matter how much it seemed like he didn't.

 He was a bit of a strange child. He wasn't exactly a nerd or a jock - he was a band geek. 

He loved playing instruments and he had a strong passion for music. He had multiple band posters in his room, along with a guitar, a keyboard, and a trumpet, along with a lot of percussions, like maracas and sleigh bells.

He didn't have a preference for music. He loved classical but loved the old classic rock tunes. He loved gospel, but also loved pop tunes. He loved country songs, as well as some punk songs. 

He always practiced his instruments every single day. Some days, he wouldn't even finish his homework because he was so intrigued by the music.

He plopped down in his bed again to watch another video on YouTube.

He was about halfway through from watching his Let's Play when he felt another breeze. But the only problem was, that the window wasn't open. He raised an eyebrow and just snuggled underneath his covers.

He finished his Let's Play and thought that he would just listen to music for the rest of the time until he eventually felt tired. He started off with rock n' roll music and just patrolled his way down until he finally became tired when he ended it with classical music - pretty and soothing all in one. He turned off his phone and set it onto his nightstand.

As he was staring at the ceiling, he couldn't help to think that something about tonight was - different - but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what it was. Finally, as he was drifting off to sleep, he felt his eyes burn.

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