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The next day, the team was up bright and early.

They had decided that they needed to make their trip onwards, hoping that they would find something up north.

From what they were told, from Tesla, was that when all the children with powers discover their abilities, they are meant to go to a special school designed to help the people with powers, making them use them for good rather than evil. You are typically at the school for an estimated 6-8 years, but in some cases, you could be there for up to 13 years.

It wasn't supposed to be like a typical academy, nor was it supposed to be all magic-based, but a mixture of both.

They have been told that the school was pretty far north, and there are quite a few schools in every state in the U.S.

According to where they are, Tesla said that most of the schools are always north. At first, you'd think that the hunters would know what direction or where the learning centers would be, but what they don't know is that the schools can disappear when it detects weapons around, more specifically, weapons used to hurt and demolish the individuals with powers.

Since they know that they cannot get hurt there, their main priority is to reach the school.

Sapphire stared ahead, with Dawn on her side. Phoenix and Camden were in the back, not really paying attention to anything around them, seeming to only be lost in their thoughts. If they were honestly speaking, they barely knew if they were going in the right direction. They can't exactly back out now since Ceren had known where they were.

"Okay fellas, we are going to eat something quick. I suggest you tag along." Dawn said as she stopped walking.

Camden looked up and met her eyes, "What exactly are we supposed to do? We are just in the middle of a humongous forest." he mumbled.

"Well, that means we could try new things, yes?" Sapphire asked.

Phoenix rolled his eyes, "And take the risk of being poisoned?"

It was Dawn's turn to roll her eyes, "We only found berry bushes when we were over there, maybe we could find something different?" she said.

Since they ended up just arguing again, and they didn't stop for anything to eat, leaving the team's stomachs to rumble.

Dawn wanted to punch someone repeatedly. She knew that the rest of the team had gone through a lot, but did it really have to go to the point of skipping meals because they couldn't work something out? She really does care about her friends, really. However, she just had this built-up frustration that she couldn't vent.

Phoenix just stared in one direction, not wanting to even look at the rest of his team. Although he was part of the team and was helpful at times, he was 100% a hothead, so he would be like this for probably the next few hours, if not days.

Camden was just staring at the back of Sapphire's head. He knew that none of them were bonding with each other, and he wished that he had enough courage to just stop them and work it out.

But then, he was interrupted by Sapphire:

"Guys...I know that we have been through a lot but we need to be able to move on from this. Sure, it's going to take a while but if we don't keep moving forward then we won't be able to do anything. I know I'm not really the best when it comes to these things, but we can't just be at each other's throats anymore. We're a team, remember?"


Days have gone by since Sapphire's speech.

The team got along decently, but at this point, they were beyond desperate to find the school. They were worried that one of them would be dead, and they couldn't risk another child to be killed.

At the moment, Dawn was leading the team, staring at the trees and the path ahead of her.

Right behind her was Camden, as he was pretty entertained by messing with Dawn's hair.

Phoenix was behind him, looking at all the scenery that they walk past. He honestly didn't even know what to think at the moment, being too lost in his own little world.

And finally, there was Sapphire, who was fiddling with the ring that was given to her by her parents. She sighed as she stared at the ring. Her parents are out there somewhere, right? She hoped so.

"Alright gang, we need to find out how to get to where we are looking for," Sapphire said, making the rest of the kids stop in their tracks.

"Do you remember anything that Tes told us from way back when?" she asked.

Phoenix held his hands up, silencing the rest of the people.

Suddenly. he disappeared.

A few short moments later, he teleported back, with Tesla's bag.

"That's way more helpful," Dawn whispered, hesitantly taking the bag from Phoenix.

She rummaged through the bag and found an old-looking book, with the pages yellow and worn. She quickly glanced at the text as she flipped through the pages.

"Wow, she must have read a lot since there are a lot of books like that in here," Camden mumbled as he saw another ten or so books in her bag.

As they read the words on the pages, they took notes. hoping that it would help them.

"So according to this page, the school is hidden, right? So how should we exactly find it?" Phoenix said, scratching his head.

"Well, it is a magic school and we are considered magical, so maybe they would recognize if we had powers." Camden shrugged.

"Good point, what else did you find in the books?" Sapphire asked.

"Well, there is more about the prophecy and what she had already told us, but nothing extremely important," Dawn said, looking through the books. She stopped searching when she saw something that caught her eye.

"Hey guys, what do you think is in this notebook?" she said, picking up the old worn-out notebook.

"Check the first page," Phoenix stated.

She opened the first page and saw something scribbled in the corner:

Ah, I knew you would find this.

Hello friends! This is my journal, in which I kept some notes and other personal stuff.

You can ignore the personal stuff since that doesn't really matter to me anymore. But certainly, you can use your notes to avail. And, since I am a nice person, I gave you some specific directions to get to school.

I knew that I wasn't going to live long, so that is why I am giving you all of these privileges to make sure that you don't end up like me.

Lots of love,

Tesla :)

They stared at the note in awe. She knew that she was going to die? Is that why she saved Camden?

They flipped to the page where the directions to the school were.

And that was when they realized that they were going in the complete opposite direction.

"You have to be kidding me..." Camden whispered. 

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