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"H-How did they know?" Sapphire asked, almost inaudible.

"Probably because the boy with the fear of squirrels over here shouting up a storm," Dawn said, staring at Phoenix while giving him a threatening look.

They all scurried down the tree and began running.

Camden used his abilities to advantage be flying into a tree with some overgrown plants wrapped all around it, making it impossible to see if there was a person there.

Tesla closed her eyes, and turned herself invisible, leaving the other 3 to figure out something on their own.

Dawn scurried, trying not to make a bunch of noise while at the same time trying to find a hiding place. She sighed, finally deciding that she would just climb up a tree. As she was climbing, she heard an unfamiliar voice in her head,

"They are in these woods." a man with a deep voice said.

Dawn quickly climbed up the tree, watching as she saw the people with the fancy outfits head towards their hiding place.

Sapphire and Phoenix, on the other hand, ran.

They ran away from the original place, in hopes that they wouldn't keep on searching. They knew that Dawn would yell at them later if they ever made it out alive.

They ran throughout the forest - they didn't know how far they had run, or what direction they even ran. They only thing that they knew at that particular moment, was that they had found themselves a lake, their friends are somewhere away, and there are hunters that are out for them. Whether or not the wanted to believe it was true, they still had to find a place to hide.

Sapphire, being a child of water, slowly made her way into the lake, trying not to make a scene.

Phoenix stared at the murky water that his friend had jumped in. He was fearful of going into the water, but he felt like there was no other option.

Phoenix looked around, wondering how long it would take for the hunters to get here. As much as he disliked swimming, he took a dip.

Instantly, he felt himself getting hotter and hotter, and only in a matter of seconds, the water was already quite warm.

Phoenix lightly slapped himself in the head. Whenever he got nervous, he always got really hot, and sometimes he would get to a point where he would be overheated. He heard something coming near him, but it was far away. Phoenix frantically looked around.

"I'm not going to die today," he whispered, jumping out of the water and took off running towards something that caught his eye


Tesla looked at the hunters in front of them.

They looked at everyone with certain detail, scanning the whole area. Looking at their attire and how they didn't miss a single thing, it wouldn't be surprising if someone thought that they were robots.

They looked over, dangerously close to where she was standing. They looked around, determined to figure out whether or not they had figured out the children's whereabouts. But all of the hunters knew, that deep down on the inside, that they wouldn't stand a chance.

Camden looked down from the treetops, crouching on a thick branch.

He was afraid to blink, just in case he missed out on anything important. At the height that he was at, he knew that none of the hunters down below would notice him, even if he moved. But, for the safety of the others, he stayed still and watched as the hunters patrolled the area.

He couldn't tell since of all of the branches and leaves were blocking the view, but the hunters started making their way to the trees.

As they examined the area, they began to leave, going the same way that Phoenix and Sapphire had gone.


Sapphire and Phoenix were running

They both decided that their spots they originally planned out wouldn't save them, and decided to take the back way to their friends.

They tried to run as fast as they could without being loud. Judging on how quiet the forest was, they knew that the hunters were probably out to find them.

The hunters had come across to where the two children originally were.

The hunters looked around, almost certain that there was someone there.

"23, go check over there where the abandoned warehouse is.19, go to the other side of the lake, and 15, with the underwater gear, go check and see if there is someone hiding inside the lake." the leader said.

The rest of the hunters just wandered around to see any sign of evidence there.


Dawn went towards the lake in search of Sapphire and Phoenix.

She tried to read their thoughts, but nothing was coming in. Out of anger and frustration, she punched one of the nearby trees, but only for it to go a pretty white flower on the bark.

Tesla got out of her hiding place and her invisibility vanished as she went towards Dawn. Soon after, Camden flew down from the trees.

"That was a close one," Tesla whispered.

The other two nodded in agreement, their hearts beating quickly.

"Do you think Phoenix and Sapphire are going to be okay?" Camden asked.

Dawn shrugged, "You never really know when it comes to them, but God I hope so."

Suddenly, Dawn heard a voice echo off the walls in her head, "DAWN I KNOW YOU CAN READ MINDS SO THAT IS WHY I AM SHOUTING INSIDE MY HEAD SO YOU'D GET THE MESSAGE!"

Dawn rolled her eyes, immediately knowing whose voice it was.

She went towards the direction of the voice carefully so the hunters would not figure out they were there.

She saw the owner of the shouting voice that was there moments ago - the dumb as a rock fire boy. Being dragged along behind him was Sapphire, who's arm was about to be taken off by how rough it was being pulled by Phoenix.

"Thank goodness..." Tesla muttered.

The gang was here, but they needed to make a break for it to avoid anymore conflict.

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" Sapphire asked.

Camden slowly raised his hand in the air.

"You got an idea?" Dawn said, looking at him like he was the stupid one in the group. He just nodded.

Camden went up to Tesla and stuck out his hand. "Hold my hand," he said.

Tesla was startled by his words and backed away, her cheeks slightly pink.

"Camden, what the hell are you planning? Why do I have to hold your hand?" Tesla whispered.

Camden scooted a little bit closer to her, "Because I don't want you to die from being hunted, alright? Plus, I have a plan." he said, not really wanting to deal with a pissed off Tesla.

Tesla looked the opposite direction as she took Camden's hand.

Instantly, they were up in the air, as he flew away. The others only just stared up at the sky as the two took off.

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