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The beautiful city lights that they were looking at suddenly shut down, leaving them in the darkness.

Phoenix was quick to react and lit a little flame, bright enough to see everyone.

"What happened?" Camden asked, looking at the city.

"Seems to me like it is a power outage," Dawn said, going to climb down the tree, "Is everyone okay?"

There was a hum of yes's.

"Dawn, where are you going?" Sapphire asked, looking down below.

"I can read someone's thoughts...and they are around the area," she whispered, concentrating on what she heard.

Dawn stayed near the trunk of the tree, on the lookout for who belonged to the voice. It sounded like a woman's voice, but who could it be?

Phoenix lit a bigger flame and Camden flew high up the tree to see if he could find anything else about the outage.

Sapphire stayed where she was, concerned that someone would have found them hiding in the forest.

Suddenly, they all heard a voice behind the tree, "Don't be alarmed, it's just me." a voice whispered.

Phoenix shined a light near the direction of the voice.

It was a girl that looked their age. Her hair was copper-colored, pin-straight as it fell onto her shoulders. Her eyes were bright silver, reflecting some of the light from Phoenix's flame.

She was wearing a black sweater that looked a little worse for wear and a pair of worn-out jeans, with some yellow tennis shoes. She had her hands in the pockets of her sweater and she looked at Phoenix with calm eyes.

"W-Who are you?" Phoenix stammered.

"My name is Tesla Watt - yeah I know, my parents thought it would be ha-ha-hilarious," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Why are you here?" Dawn said, clenching her teeth.

"The same reason you are," she stated, emotionless as she cocked her eyebrow slightly

"Oh really? What is your power then, Tesla?" Sapphire questioned, starting to climb down the tree.

She stopped when she saw the new girl climb up the tree quickly. She climbed up the tree and pointed to the city. "Guess."

Camden's head shot up in realization, "You have electricity don't you?"

Tesla smiled, "I thought my name would instantly give it away."

Dawn walked over the tree, looking up at Tesla, "But I thought it said that there were only 4 children that have the powers." she said, staring at Tesla suspiciously.

"I thought that too, but it looks like we have come across something else. For now, though, we really should be getting some rest. I'll explain the rest of my story later." she said, walking over to a tree branch, lying down, and falling asleep.

"What's going on?" Sapphire asked, with Camden near her.

"We will talk about it later. For now, let's just sleep," said Dawn.


The following morning, everyone was awake just as the sun had risen.

Dawn was the first to wake up, then Sapphire, then Tesla, then Camden, and lastly, Phoenix.

They quickly noticed a change in Tesla's appearance. Instead of the straight hair that they thought she had, she had short, curly hair - her eyes changed too, now a turquoise color.

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