Epilogue (+ Sequel Announcement)

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It was their graduation day.

They had spent 10 years at this beautiful building, and it sure was an experience.

The team had met a decade ago, only as young teenagers. They were just 5 kids - a shy girl with large black glasses, a forest boy, a kind friend, a band nerd, and a wise redhead.

Although one didn't get a chance to see their accomplishments - her death still has affected many individuals to this day.

And now, as adults, they are about to graduate from the school that transformed them.

They were dressed in caps and gowns. Sapphire was fiddling with her ring, a habit of hers. She looked at the crowd of people.

This is it.

This is the day where she would be free of school and move on with her life. She felt an arm go around her shoulder. She looked up and was met with Phoenix, giving her one of his bright smiles,

"You gonna miss this place?" he asked, making Sapphire shrug.

"Alright, punks, it's time to graduate," Dawn said, watching from the back, putting her long hair in a braid.

Shortly after, they saw a flash of white, and Camden appeared, his pure white hair standing out. "Sorry that I am late..huh...late to my own graduation." he ruffled through his hair, hoping that it would switch to its natural black color soon.

A man with a tux came into the room. "Alright, you guys, the ceremony is going to start in 2 minutes. Be ready." he quickly said, before leaving the room.


The ceremony was starting. They were on this large stage, with 4 chairs in the middle of the open space. The talking of the proud parents and family were hushed when the same man in the tux came and tapped on a microphone, before speaking,

"Good day everyone. We are here to celebrate the graduates of this year. It's a shorter class, but they still are all amazing people. When I call your name, please come and sit down." he rummaged through his papers.

"Phoenix Alpin."

Phoenix smiled as he took his arm from Sapphire's shoulder, going to the stage. Sapphire looked at the other two, but she had a smirk on her face, seeing the two were holding hands.

Phoenix went and sat in the first chair, glancing over at the audience. They all had happy smiles on their face. The tux man cleared his throat before speaking,

"Camden Schmitt."

Camden looked back at the girls before letting go of Dawn's hand and went to sit next to the fire boy. He looked over, and saw his crazy mother, sitting in the front, screaming, "THAT'S MY BABY!"

He smiled shyly and laughed.

"Sapphire Imbens."

Sapphire's legs immediately went shaky when her name was called. Nevertheless, she still went up to sit down. She saw something in the audience, but her attention was more focused on the ceremony.

"and Dawn Jones."

Dawn smiled, making her way confidently towards the last chair.

"It has been my pleasure to be with all of these people ever since they had come here. These four incredible individuals are going to be going places in the future. I support them all in whatever they do." said the tux man, moving his papers around.

"And now, we have some words from our class president, Sapphire Imbens."

Sapphire took a deep breath before standing up, fumbling with her index cards as she spoke,

"Hello everyone. As you can see behind me, this is the graduating class of this year. Sure, it may be small, but being best friends will all of them, I can ensure you that these adults right here are strong and courageous. In our lives, we are going to have to deal with more than the average human has to - since we have hunters after us and the fact that we also have to hide our magical powers to most everyone. I honestly think that my graduating class has enough strength, intelligence, and overall wisdom to do what is right, and to make everyone safe. We may go into different occupations, or even move away, but one this is sure - no matter where we are, we will always be together in our hearts and minds. This is just one chapter of our long lives, I hope that you guys will always have the motivation to keep moving forward. Thank you."

She turned away to sit down, but she was interrupted with large applause, even some loud whistles in the mix. She glanced at her friends.

All of them were in happy tears, even Dawn. She smiled at them, as she sat down.


It was at the end of the ceremony, where you would go outside and talk to your families.

Sapphire was walking with Phoenix since Dawn and Camden had already found their mothers.

"I still feel bad that you don't have anyone to go to," Sapphire said, patting Phoenix's arm.

"It's okay, I haven't a family in a while, don't feel bad." Phoenix tried to reason. Sapphire just kept quiet.

Phoenix suddenly stopped walking, making Sapphire jerk forward a little. It looked like his full attention was caught on something.

"Phoenix, what are you-"

He pulled Sapphire in a direction, a big smile on his face.

"At least tell me where we are going!" Sapphire shouted.

When they slowed down, Phoenix took off Sapphire's glasses and cupped her eyes.

"Aw c'mon, this isn't fair," she said, laughing a little. He giggled as he guided her to a certain part of the land.

He let go of his hand, putting on her glasses. She gasped when she saw an older-looking couple.

"M-Mom?! Dad?!"

The couple looked at each other before smiling at her,

"You remembered us!" they said in unison.

Sapphire couldn't handle all of her feelings, She ran up to her dad and cried into his arm. She felt an arm caress her back. She let go of her dad and hugged her mother.

She found them. She found them after all this time.

She looked back at Phoenix, who looked amused. She smiled big as she ran up to her friend, giving him a bear hug.

"What's all the commotion about?" Dawn asked, Camden following her. Dawn stared at the couple.

"Y-You must be Sapphire's parents." she stuttered, as she held out a hand. They shook hands, and Camden, being the awkward man he is, just waved at them.

"It's wonderful to see everyone." Sapphire's mother whispered, trying not to cry herself. They all laughed together.

"Graduating class, please head towards the gym."

They all waved at Sapphire's parents before heading towards the gym like they were supposed to.


"Hey, Phoenix?" Sapphire asked.


"...want to go out on Saturday?"

"Why not?"


"I like you, Dawn." Camden stuttered out.

"I know...bit of a mind reader..."

"...Well, this is embarrassing."

"Good thing I like you back."


Thank you to anyone who had made it this far!

I wanted to add here that there is a sequel to this story

It's called "Crystal Powers: A New Generation" and if you are wondering, YES it is complete!

So yes, there IS a sequel that you can go read!

Thanks for reading!

-daisyboo88 <3

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