Chapter 2: Thanks?

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POV: (Y/N)

"I gave you 9$ today because you've been doing a great job... Plus I didn't have any change," said your boss. He does the same thing everyday just so he can get the full 9 bucks back when you buy his stuff. "Thanks," you said with a straight face.

Then you went on to do your daily routine of getting a loaf of bread, 3 bottles of water, and then complaining that 9 dollars was not the price of the food you had bought. That old routine was so boring.

Climbing back up the old ladder you went back to you old shack. It wasn't raining today so you brought the old mattress out into the open and laid on it. Staring up at the stars you sighed.

"Hey Kyniala, the stars... Aren't they pretty?," you said. You never understood why, but you loved the stars. They where truly the most beautiful thing in the world. It made you feel... Happy in the hell hole you lived in.

You got no answer. Sighing heavily at being ignored you went back to star gazing. And after awhile you fell asleep under the diamonds in the sky.

~Timr Skip Brought To You By Bastion Because Bastion Is Awesome~

"12$!?" You almost screamed. For 1 loaf of bread and 3 bottles of water! It was 9$ the day before. You felt your stomach growl. Not only did you feel hungry but you felt sick. You had known your boss used you to get all the money he gave you back, but now he wanted you to work over time.

You had a feeling that if you worked an extra hour he wasn't going from pay you the total of 2 hours of labor and was instead only going to pay you 12. Anger filled you. This wasn't fair! Someone picking on a homeless kid

"I'll pay for it, plus one of those pretzel's you have in the back," said a female British voice. You turned around to see someone in an orange suit with goggles and a weird looking chest protector.

You stared at her for a moment as she bought all the food you had plus a pretzel and handed it to you. "I... Uh...," you said in shock. Most people here aren't very nice and a rather cold hearted, but she was different.

She was happy and cheerful and full of energy, something that you didn't see much in your town. She handed you the brown paper bag that was filled with water and bread. Then the British girl also gave you the bag that held the pretzel. You stared back at her in complete surprise.

"Have a good day love," she said and then disappear before your eyes. How..., you thought to yourself but then shook it off and smiled. Walking out of the store with actual money in your hands you went back to the alley way and went to climb the old ladder when you noticed something.

It was an old Overwatch poster that was ripped around the corners. Your eyes widened when you saw the figure to the left. That girl! She's Tracer, you thought. You had just met someone from Overwatch, someone you looked up too, and looked like a total doofus.

Cursing to yourself you went up the ladder and turned in early.

~another time skip cuz imma lazy author~

"You met Tracer, THE TRACER?," Zuri said astonished.(Believe it or not Zuri is a real name) . You nodded as she flipped out. Zuri was your best friend, you two had known each other for 3 years now. Your friend went on and on about how cool that was making you smile that she was happy but also made your ears burn.

You kept nodding to try and make it look like you where paying attention but in reality you where half dead. You hadn't slept last night. Instead you stayed up tossing and turning about how stupid you looked in front of one of your heros.

Zuri stopped talking for a second but your didn't notice because you where so tired. "Hey (Y/N) I've been meaning to ask how you can walk and write again. Just 2 years ago you where in a wheel chair because you didn't have one of your legs and your right arm was gone too... So how come you have your limbs back now."

You stared at her as your tried to find a way to lie to her. You didn't like lying but it's not like she would believe you if you told her the truth anyway. "I got an arm and a leg from a doner...,"you said not sure exactly what you where saying. Zuri looked at you with suspicion but then ignored it.

"So how was it like meeting Tracer," she asked for the 50th time. You signed. " I told you, I didn't realize it was her until after she left so it was like any old stranger talking to you," you explained. Zuri didn't like your answer. "But why'd she talk to you anyways? I mean why you out of every other kid in the store?"

Shrugging in responded Zuri sighed. Zuri didn't know you didn't have a home and lived on the roof of BJ's. You didn't want her too. The last thing you needed was pity from your best friend.

Zuri's phone rang and she picked it up. After two minutes of murmurs she informed you she had to go home. Sighing you waved goodbye as she left. "Welp I'm going to sleep since I don't have to go to work today," you said to Kyniala.

No answer.

Sighing in annoyance you headed home, or in your case a metal hut. Kicking a can on your way home you felt the ground shake. You looked around you, scared. Nothing. You started running home a bit faster. You heard gun shots ring out around your small town.

You went into a full on sprint running home. What ever was going on you didn't want to be apart of it!

(A/N: I'm sorry for the amount of time skips. This was a filler chapter but it also explained somethings. Next chapter a lot will be explained, especially the random talking to Kyniala thing. Your not going insane in this I promise. Anyways see ya!)

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