Chapter 4: Lasting Fears

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POV: (Y/N)

What happened, you thought to yourself as your eyes fluttered open. You felt your stomach bounce up and down. Holding your breath you almost threw up.

You where in the middle of a forest but you couldn't remember how you got there. And then you realized you where moving. Looking down you almost chocked on your own spit.

A Bastion!

Those things should be gone, extinct, nonexistent! Fear shot through your veins as your started to flail your arms and fell off of the the robot.

Landing face first into the ground you scrambled up and got ready to punch the murder machine in the robotic face. The Bastion stopped moving and turned around to face you.

Holding your breath the Bastion examined you. The machine had a little yellow bird on its shoulder that was making pretty bird calls every now and then. Bastion then started trying to repeat the bird sounds in random beeps.

It was kind of cute but you where still scared of Bastion. You stared in curiosity as the two chirped away at each other. You wondered if they could understand each other.

After awhile of bird Bastion, the robot turned to you. The robot started beeping and booping at you which made you get back in your defensive stance.

"Bastion!," said a female voice. Behind Bastion was an girl in heavy winter clothes that where a bright blue color. She had a little blue robot following her too.

Bastion started making many beeps which made you lower your defense. The girl looked away from the robot and to you. "Oh," she said happily. "You must be (Y/N)! I'm Mei, nice to meet you!"

You gave her a slight smile but then stared back and Bastion. "So why was...The robot carrying me," you asked as you glared at the killer bot. Bastion made scared beeps.

"Well you got hurt pretty bad. So did Winston, and Zuri. The old ape got back on his feet pretty quick and agreed to take Zuri to our base since she was in better condition, we had Bastion take you along the longer route so we could avoid you getting anymore hurt," Mei explained.

You where still very confused. "Okay but why not send us to a hospital," you asked giving her an untrusting stare. Honestly you where glad they didn't send you to a hospital. Your right arm and your left leg could have caused problems there.

"Because the Talon sees you as targets now. It's safer if we take you to our base, besides Mercy is the best doctor there is," Mei said with a big warm smile. You sighed and nodded. Sure you still weren't sure why Overwatch was using a Bastion since they destroyed at least a thousand of them during the Omnic Crisis, but you decided to let it slide.

But only if Bastion was 10 feet away from you at all times.

Mei led you through the forest for a bit. You stayed close to her and kept glancing back at Bastion. This earned you a couple of sad beeps.

~Time skip cuz I'm still a lazy author~

"... So this is where Overwatch works?," you ask tiredly. You guys had been walking for a long time and your leg was still bleeding from the fight. Mei had told you that you could ride on Bastion again but you refused.

Mei clapped her hands and smiled. "Yep," she said in a happy tone. You where excited to see your heroes 'super secret base' but a part of you already knew what was inside.

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