Chapter 3: Talon

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More gun shots rang out through the town. You didn't want to admit it, but you hid under your hoodie a couple times. It was probably the police catching some gang or something.

The only reason you where scared is because if they found you you'd be sent to an orphanage and that would go horribly, horribly wrong.

Sighing, you tossed over and tried to get comfortable. They can't find me, they never have and they never will, you thought reassuring yourself although if you where being honest with yourself it wasn't working.


Someone had landed on the roof where you where sleeping. You quickly ducked under your hoodie again, your heart pounding against your chest. Heavy foot steps could be heard from outside that slowly came over to your directing.

You tried to stop breathing or at least make it not as loud. Adrenaline pumping threw your veins.

"Hello," said a voice. You peered through one of the holes in your hoodie to see a man in a mask and a long black hoodie. He held to large guns to your face making you squeak.

The thing stared at you for a couple of minutes making you feel very uncomfortable. He seemed to have a weird black aura around him which didn't make this situation any better. Then you heard him laugh.

"Up," he commanded. Fear controlled you like a puppet. Sitting up on your broken matters you waited for him to shoot you in the face but nothing came. Shivering in fear he laughed at you again.

He picked you up and put you into a head lock position. At any moment you felt as if this thing could choke you to death or snap you like a twig.

The black aura around the man seemed to rise up and surround you two. With in a second you where in the middle of a battle field.

"Stop," your captor said with a laugh. You had closed your eyes out of fear but when you opened your eyes you could believe what you where seeing. It was Tracer, Winston, Ginji, and Mercy. You would have been excited if you weren't being chocked.

Suddenly to this man's side was a weird man with a peg leg and spiky hair that seemed burned. He was carrying a ton of bombs. "Oooh! A hostage! I have to say good thinking Reaper," he said in a strange voice.

So this guy is Reaper, the master of one word sentences, you thought as you looked up at him. Reaper snarled. "Go away Junkrat," he hissed.

Junkrat stuck out his tongues do stepped back a bit. Reaper then went back to choking you making you wheeze. "Give us what we came here for or the kid gets it," he said laughing at the end of his sentence.

If you could breath right now you would tell him you weren't a kid but something told you this wasn't a good time. "We don't know where he is either, sure we're lookin' for the same omnic but he isn't here. Just put the kid down," Tracer said in a panic.

They're looking for an omnic, you questioned. There weren't many omnics around here anymore. There was an accident a couple years ago were a mad shooting of omnics took place. Most of the survivors moved out after that.

Reaper started choking you again, but harder this time. You tried to scream for help but couldn't. He was going to kill you right here and right now. You would never get to have a real, normal life like you always wanted.

Grabbing his arms trying to pry him off, you found your heart beating out of your chest. Your eyes where blurry with tears as your thought burned. Then suddenly air flooded back into your lungs so fast it hurt.

"Don't worry love the calvary's here," came the cheery British voice of Tracer. She was carrying you which made this a bit awkward. You where to much in shock to do anything so you just grabbed on to her and hoped you didn't fall off.

"(Y/N)?," you hear Zuri say. You felt yourself hit the ground and laid against the wall. "You two know each other? Good! Keep (Y/N) safe then, the kids been through a lot," Tracer said and then disappeared.

"I'm not... A kid," you mumbled weakly. "(Y/N) what happened? Never mind don't answer that just go to sleep," Zuri commanded. Sighing you tried to relax but was kind of hard with all the guns being fired off.

"Lady's and gentlemen, start your engines," you heard Junkrat say. Loud rumbling could be heard though your small town. Not sure where it was coming from you got up to look for the sound.

"(Y/N), come back here this instant! You need to-." Zuri stopped mid sentence as a wheel looking thing headed your way. Fear blazed threw your eyes as you looked around for a place to escape.

How convenient! A metal fence surrounding a ledge, you thought. Grabbing Zuri by the wrist she looked at you confused. "(Y/N)! Come on lets go-." You bit off your brown glove that was on your right hand and pointed it to the fence.

And suddenly you where being pulled towards the metal. Once up there you threw Zuri onto the ledge and fell face first into the floor. "How the hell can you jump that high," she asked. Zuri sounded both angry and impressed.

"I didn't jump," you told her as you quickly hid your hand in your pocket. Silently praying she hadn't noticed your right hand, you looked over the fence. The weird wheel thing was still going towards where you two last where.

"Then how?," she asked and then kept telling you to 'tell her the truth' or something like that. Honestly you weren't listening because at the moment you felt your heart drop.

"Zuri...," you said. "What!?," she responded angrily. With your left hand you pointed down to the ground. Zuri looked over the fence too and had the face of someone who had seen things.

"THAT THING CAN CLIMB WALLS?!," Zuri screamed. The wheel thing was climbing up the wall where you two where. Freaking out Zuri started to shake you.

"Do it again, do it again," she screamed. You looked around and turned back to her. "I can't," you responded in a shaken voice.


"I don't just jump! I used a magnet and there's nothing around that I could connect to that would let us land safely," you explained. Her face was as white as a ghost.

The wheel looking thing flew up the wall and was now right above you two. Holding your breath you watched Winston come out of no where and grab it. As soon as it came into contact with the ape the wheel blew up.

Winston fell to the ground with burns on his hands and armor. "Let's go down there and make sure he's okay," Zuri said. Nodding you grabbed Zuri's wrist again and held out your right hand slightly. Just enough so you could pull yourself to Winston's armor but not enough that Zuri could see.

Landing next to the old Overwatch hero you slid your hand back into your hoddie and approached him. "Is he...?," you asked staring in horror. Zuri looked pretty scared and for a second you thought you killed him.

"Both of you calm down nothing can get rid of this gorilla," Winston said cheerfully. Welp someone seems happy, you thought to yourself. You had just watched this guy get blown up but he seemed totally normal.

"Don't bet you luck chimp~," came a sly woman's voice. Looking up you saw someone who you knew personally. She worse a purple suit that reminded you a lot of Tracer's. She had googles that could make her aims more accurate.

Her nick name was Widowmaker.

(A/N: I'm going to leave this here for now because it's getting a bit long. Btw Talon is the name of the agency that Widowmaker and possibly Reaper works for hence the title. Anyways next chapter should be out soon. See ya!)

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