Chapter 8: Just Doin' The Job

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(Why do they look so cute? I'm such a sinner but I ship these two so bad)

POV: (Y/N)

You had been following the two strangers for awhile now, the hot burning sun making your hair feel like it was on fire. Junkrat's hair was already on fire but you guess that was because of all the bombs he kept randomly throwing around.

While Junkrat threw another bomb somewhere off into the distance Roadhog just stayed quiet. He hadn't said anything since he warned you about hurting Junky. He seemed to be a hard core stern guy which made you wonder how he put up with Junkrat who was so flighty and unfocused.

"Here we are, the gate to the junkyard, ain't it a sight for sore eyes," Junkrat said pointing to a green fenced gate. Shrugging you felt yourself suddenly becoming more alert. It was probably Kyniala worrying again. For once though you agreed with him that taking caution would be a good idea.

Walking a bit slower so the other two could take the lead your eyes darted everywhere. But to your surprise nothing out of the usual seemed to be here. Junkrat and Roadhog went through the gate and rounded a corner.

Deciding that everything seemed normal you went through the gate. You felt a cold shiver run down your spine when you noticed the two where nowhere to run seen. Frantically looking around your heart beat quickened.

"I told you this was a bad idea," Kyniala exclaimed giving your his sage monk wisdom once again. "Not now," you mumbled/growled. Taking a few steps forward you heard a snap and then a sharp pain up your leg.

Looking down you saw some sort of steel trap with teeth biting your leg. Blood escaping your leg and staining the trap. Why did it have to be my real leg, you thought in agony. Letting out a whine you tried to get the trap off of you.

"My, my, my, what do we got here! It seems a poor lost doggy has gotten trapped," Junkrat said playing dumb. His face suddenly close to yours, you could see his smirk growling. You decided to do the only sensible thing you could do in this situation.

You spat in his face like a two year old.

"Da blood hell is wrong with ya!," the Australian howled wiping his face. RoadHog laughed at his partners pain which was one of the few noises that had come out of his mouth all day. You stared down both of them giving them the evilest glare you could possibly muster.

After sometime of doing that the two just laughed at you. "Let me out now!," you growled. "I... I'm part of Overwatch!" They kept laughing which just made you more and more angry. Junkrat pretended to wipe a tear away from his eye and slapped his knee.

"Sorry lad, just doin' my job," Junkrat hissed grabbing your shirt collar and pulling you forward. Shockwaves of paying shot from your leg to your brain making you want to cry. Finally the trap broke, freeing your leg but at a coast.

Your skin damaged and open letting blood spill onto your shoes. "Fudge you," you growled. Junkrat laughed at you then turned to Roadhog. "How much do you think Talon will by for this small fry," Junk asked elbowing his sidekick.

Growling you used your Omnic leg to kick the thin Australian in the stomach. Coughing Junkrat dropped you making you hurt your tail bone. Deciding to think about it later you ran for your life.

"Roadhog! Roadhog! Hook 'em! Hook 'em!," Junkrat wailed clutching his chest. You had hit him pretty hard... Roadhog unleashed a big chain with a hook the size of your torso making you feel very, very tiny.

Throwing the giant hook it rapped around you pulling you towards the towering monster. Lord save me, you thought out of fear. Staring at the Talon mercenaries you felt all of your confidence that made you (Y/N) turn into a puddle.

For once you wished Kyniala would tell you he was right and how you should have listened to him but it would raise a big red flag for these two. You had just told an Overwatch doctor your secret, no way where you going to tell Mr. Pig and Trash Boy.

Struggling to get out of the hook your breathing hitched. Heart beating and sweat building up underneath your clothes you stared at Roadhog's face. Sure you couldn't really see it because of the mask but you could still see his eyes. They where a grey color, staring deep into your own (E/C) eyes, breaking any sort of spirit you had.

A terrified meep escaped from your lips as you stopped struggling and instead shivered. Not only was this a bad situation to be in you seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. So it didn't matter how loud you screamed, no one would hear.

After giving up all hope someone yelled a command. "Kid, head down," said a manly voice. In to much fear to rebel and remind who ever it was that you weren't a child, you ducked as far down as the stupid hook would let you.

"Oh give me a-," Junkrat said before his eyes went wide. Not understanding what as going on you heard the man who told you to duck chuckle. "It's high noon~!"


You felt a sharp pain on the back of your neck and the top of your head as a bullet skimmed over you. It got Roadhog in the shoulder and you couldn't see where Junkrat got hit. The hook that was wrapped around you so roughly, loosened and fell to the ground. Falling down our your feet the first thing you did was put your hands on the back on your neck.

Blood painting your hands red you made small noises from the pain. A cold, metal hand grabbed your wrist pulling your hands off of your neck. "Sorry partner but we gotta run," said the man dragging you away from the two Talon agents as they yowled out of pain.

Running you tried to focus on your savior rather than your neck. "Who are you," you said with an untrusting tone. The stranger only smirked, the cigaret in his mouth slightly pointing upwards. "The name's Jesse, Jesse McCree. Nice to meet you in person (Y/N)," your savior said in his southern accent.

Wide eyed you almost stopped running just to process what was happening. "How do you know my name," you commanded. The old you was back, fear vanishing from the event that had just happened.

"News in Overwatch gets around fast, kid. They sent all their recruits searchin' for ya and an African child named Zuri. I was sent here to look for you two. Consider yourself lucky," Jesse explained. Suddenly your heart skipped a beat. "Have you found Zuri?!," you asked, worry for your friend's life quickened your heart beat.

Jesse looked back at you giving you a sorry filled gaze. Sighing you both ran to where ever Jesses McCree was taking you. Hopefully some place with a medic, your leg was killing you...

(A/N: Done! I am sooooo sorry for the delay! I had such a bad case of writers block. But thanks to so many people requesting me to continue I decided to sit down and brainstorm. And I finally got some ideas!!!! So this book shall and will be continued! Thank you for your support!)

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