Chapter 6: One Body

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POV: (Y/N)

Mercy held you for awhile trying to comfort you. Honestly at the moment you where surprised because of two things.

1. You had actually told someone that you where an Omnic/human fusion.

And 2. Kyniala had actually talked.

It had all happened so fast. One minute your working your summer job at BJ's the next your at Overwatch's base telling Mercy the truth. And then after all of that your crying in front of one do your heroes.


But apart of you was relieved. Relieved that something that had been trapped inside, that had hurt you, was being told to someone else. Someone who seemed not to hate you for it.

Patting your head and telling you everything was okay, Mercy had suddenly felt like a mother to you. "Does Zuri know?," Mercy asked as she kept patting your head. Shaking your head you struggled away from Mercy's grasp and reached for your hoodie.

"(Y/N), your going to get a heat stroke from wearing that in the middle of summer," Mercy said her voice trembling. Apparently your story had gotten to her because a few tears where on her cheek. Your felt bad for making her cry.

You held your hoodie tightly then looked at Kyniala's arm then back at Mercy. She shook her head and grabbed your hoodie and threw it out of the room. "I must take good care of both the physical and mental parts of my patients and you not wearing that hoodie does both," she said heroically.

You stared at her in confusion.

"Okay... Well I'm not going out there shirtless," you said. Kyniala strongly unadvised it. Then suddenly Mercy was gone. Staring at the spot she once was you had a moment to think.

Overwatch the protectors of Earth... More like Overwatch the best at disappearing randomly, you thought as memories of both Tracer and Genji came into mind. A few seconds later Mercy came running in with a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Those used to be Tracer's when she was about your age. They should fit you," Mercy said smiling. You stared at her wondering why she has Tracer's old clothes but decided it was best not to question.

Mercy walked out of the room as you got changed, putting on the T-shirt first which fit you pretty well. The shorts on the other hand where a tad bit big for you but it was better than wearing long black sweat pants.

Looking into the mirror above the doctor's sink you saw yourself and almost fainted. It wasn't because of your clothes, the T-shirt had your favorite Emoji on it and the blue shorts looked fine but your body. You stared at it for a second.

Ever since the night you woke up and found out you and Kyniala where parts of each other your tried not to look at yourself much. It's not because you where ugly or anything it was just well...

You suddenly pushed all of the thoughts you where having to the back of your head and opened the door to the doctor's office. Mercy was waiting outside.

The healer got up and ruffled your hair making you smile. "See all better," she said. Mercy could be a bit cheesy at times but she was very kind and caring. You wondered what got her to be like this.

*Clank* *Crash*

"Winston I swear if someone stepped on your glasses on accident and you went crazy because you left them on the floor your dead," Mercy yelled. Well she showed no mercy, you thought sighing at you own pun. Mercy dashed to the other room leaving you alone in the hospital part of Overwatch.

Apart of you wanted to go follow her and see what had happened, it was probably funny, but instead you set down on the floor. "So Kyniala, your alive now," you asked looking at your Omnic arm. You got no response which you both expected and hated. Groaning loudly you studied you arm.

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