Chapter 11: Road Trip

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POV: (Y/N)

"Where did you go this mornin'," McCree asked as you walked through the door. For a moment you almost forgot what had happened but then remembered.

"Me and Kyniala had an.... Interesting talk," you said. That's putting it lightly, you thought

The smell of bacons and eggs filled your nose putting a smile on your face. "The place may look like a dump but my cooking skills are first class," McCree exclaimed putting eggs and bacon in front of you on a white plate.

Smiling you devoured breakfast and cleaned off your plate. After stuffing yourself you took the plate to the sink and put it in. McCree started to chuckle which made you look over to him. "Kid, I'm givin' you a job in this house startin' today. Consider it payin' for your rent," the cowboy chuckled pointing at the sink full of dirty dishes.

Sighing you knew exactly what he was asking you to do. Picking up a dish towel that was messily sitting on the counter, you turned on the water and started your chore. The adult on the other hand went and sat on his broken chair and started watching the news. You stared at him for a moment wondering if the only reason he gave you this chore was so he could watch tv faster.

Deciding to push the questions to the back of your mind you scrubbed away at the dishes. After sometime of doing this annoying task your mind started to drift. It had been a crazy week so far. First an organization named Talon starts a fight with Overwatch in your home town. You almost got choked by one word sentence Reaper. You met WidowMaker again, and Overwatch brought you to their base. Zuri and you almost get kidnapped by Talon again. And Oh! let's not forget that you've told two people your secret.

You weren't even sure it had only been a week at this point.

A doorbell ring snapped you out of your thoughts. Wanting to get anytime away from the dishes you could you ran to the door to see who it is (even though McCree was protesting against you doing so). Honestly you weren't sure what you expected to see when opening that door. But you sure as hell didn't expect the cyborg jerk to be standing there.

You both stared at each other for a moment, or at least you thought you two where staring at each other, its hard to tell where Genji is looking sometimes with that mask of his. After sometime of awkward silence McCree came rushing over and got between you and Genji. "Now you Talon folk better go- wait Genji? What in hell made you come all the way from Nepal to Texas partner?," the southern boy asked.

Nepal? So that's where Genji lives. You looked passed the cowboy trying to see any little bit of emotion from the green cyborg ninja dude but you where unable to spot any. "I actually have been sent here from the Overwatch base in America, Oregon to take (Y/N) here to Nepal. They think both the child and Kyniala will be safer there," Genji said calmly. You where slightly surprised that you didn't hear any anger in his voice. Maybe you caught him on a bad day when you two met.

McCree shifted his hat a bit before answering. You could tell he was uncomfortable with this sudden arrangement and was currently debating on it. "So old Morrison thinks this is a good idea. Did Reyes agree?," he asked. "The last thing I need is Reyes bein' mad at me." McCree laughed, his huge grin showing. He seemed instantly happy to talk about this 'Reyes' guy.

Genji didn't say anything, though you could hear his breathing, it was off. As if something really heavy was on his shoulders. "McCree I'm sorry. Reyes and Morrison died almost 6 months ago..."


"So what kind of license do you even have. Since Omnics and Humans have different license," you asked as you put you feet up. Genji grumbled in annoyance. "I have human license because I am human no matter how much metal is on me." You where taken back by his sudden aggression.

Deciding to stay quiet you look out the window watching Route 66 rush by. You had only been here for 2 days, but you where going to miss it. The awkward silence hung in the car like a damp towel. You wanted to make some sort of conversation but you could tell Genji wasn't it the mood.

After the news of Morrison and Reyes was told to McCree he broke down. You'd never seen someone cry so hard. You felt bad for him, he must have been close to one of them. As soon as McCree had started crying he went back in his house and let Genji take you. Normally you would have protested but knowing how it feels to lose someone you cared about... he needed time.

Genji made a sharp turn left making you fall slightly out do your seat and bump your head. "You okay," he asked. Surprising there was no emotion behind his voice. "Yeah I'm good...," you told him. The awkward silence came back as you dived deeper into you thoughts.

"Reyes was McCree's commander," Genji finally said breaking the silence. You looked at the ninja awaiting more details. "McCree used to be an outlaw believe it or not. But Reyes gave him a second chance. They became close. But after some incidents with Blackwatch those two had a falling. They stopped talking. When Reyes died from the collapse of the Swidden Overwatch base we all decided it was best not to tell him. He was already hurt enough..."

You thought about what Genji was saying. Taking a deep breath in, the cool air flooding from the window felt refreshing. "I'm not sure how I'd feel in McCree's shoes. I'd rather have been told," you exclaimed.

For awhile Genji said nothing and just kept driving. You looked out the window and watched the sign that greeted you into Oklahoma rush by. "I would have to," Genji said after some time.

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