Chapter 13: The Answer

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"Welcome to Oregon (Y/N)," Genji said in a monotone voice. Looking out the window of the car you saw your destination loom over you. This Overwatch base looked much larger then the last one. You wondering if it was dirtier then the last one too.

Genji took the car round back. There where flower gardens everywhere with berry trees in them. The cyborg must have noticed what you where looking at because he told you that the berries where poisonous. You growled at the party pooper as he parked the car.

Eagerly jumping out of your seat to stretch you felt the cold outside breeze brush against your face. Genji stepped out into the cool air soon after. Pressing a button on his car keys caused a beep to come from the car. "All locked up," the cyborg said to himself. Genji began to walk to the base with you not to far behind.

"Holy Jesus... " you mumbled when you entered the building. Calling this place beautiful was an understatement. It was stunning. High glass ceilings and statues everywhere honoring fallen Overwatch members. You where so deep in wonder that you hadn't realized you'd stopped moving. "(Y/N) come on, we have to talk to some old friends of mine. They'll help us get a ride to Nepal."

Snapping out of your thoughts you nodded at the ninja and followed him. The hallway you both traveled down was long and narrow with glass cases filled with awards given to Overwtach for their various heroic deeds. It made you realized why so many people called the members of Overwatch heroes.

But then you remember what Genji had said. Shuttering you decided to push Overwatch's darker side to the back of your mind.

Genji suddenly stopped at a door. Turning to you he said, "wait here" and pointed to a bench. Sighing you sat down and watched the ninja disappear into the room. "So where exactly is Nepal," you mumbled to no one. "India," Kyniala answered. A part of you smiled and a part of you frowned.

You still had mixed feelings about your Omnic care taker suddenly coming back.

"So... What's up?," you asked trying to my conversation. Silence. Sighing you went back to staring at the ground waiting for Genji to come back from doing who knows what. After some time the green light from Genji's visor lit up the door way.

Relieved when he finally came out for what seemed like forever, you got up off the bench. "What where you ever doing," you asked since you had been given no explanation what's so ever. "Taking a shit," Genji said sarcasticly "We already established you can't eat there for you can't 'shit', seriously though, what where you doing?" "I was asking to borrow two rooms for us, we will be staying the night. Tomorrow we head to Nepal."


"This is so soft," you said before burying your head into a pillow. Everything about this bed was wonderful, it had warm sheets, fluffy pillows, and a soft mattress. "It's prefect!," you said though your words where muffled by the pillow.

Genji chuckled. "When was the last time you slept in a bed?," he asked jokingly. You shrugged. Something told you if you told the truth it would ruin the mood. Sighing Genji put something on the sides table. "This is a change of clothes for tomorrow, don't ruin them," he instructed. Nodding you watched Genji take his leave.

Picking yourself up off the bed you decided you'd have a look around the Overwatch base. There had to be other heroes you hadn't met yet. Opening up the door and locking it behind you, you looked both ways down the hall. Both ways where very long and looked exactly the same so you just randomly picked a way and went down it.

You walked slow enough so you could see all the awards in the glass cases. Some where for medical break throughs others where for scientific research. All these achievements made you feel small and insignificant. After some time at looking at Overwatch's accomplishments you got bored and decided to look around more.

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