Chapter 12: Not The Only One

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Rain splattered on the window like broken dreams. Yes that was a bit dark but you couldn't help it, rain had that power, to make you sad. Maybe it was because the once lovely bright blue sky was now a dark grey. Or maybe it was the fact that growing up anytime something bad happened on tv it would start raining. You weren't sure.

Never the less you where slightly depressed, and being depressed ain't a good thing for you or Kyniala. It just makes you think back to the time when you both where split up, two different people. It seemed a lot better then now.

Genji hadn't really talked to you that much, he seemed distracted by something. Or he just really hated you and didn't want to talk to you, you weren't sure. What did a cyborg ninja think about anyways? The world may never know.

A large bolt of lightning lighted up the sky followed by a loud thunder. Your eyes shot open at the sudden noise. Genji noticed you reaction and chuckled. "Your afraid of thunder," he asked in sarcastic playful way. You glared at him and replied," no! It just started me that's all."

The ninja laughed at you again making your go red from embarrassment and anger. He was so weird. One minute he seemed happy the next he hated the world. Moody much.

Genji let out a loud sigh before returning to driving. "How far are we from Oregon anyways," you asked bored out of your mind.  He said nothing for awhile but gave off this 'you can't be serous' vibe. Staring back confused the cyborg face palmed and then looked back at the road.

"(Y/N) a trip from here to Oregon is at least 26 hours, not mentioning traffic, gas, bathroom breaks, or weather," he said in annoyance. The one thing about Genji that you couldn't understand where his mood swings. He was extremely annoyed then normal then back to annoyed. You wondered if it was because he was a cyborg. How did he become a cyborg anyways? For some reason the thought of finding out sent chills down your spine.

Snapping back to what the Overwatch agent had said about the long trip. With your luck you'd be in this stupid car for two days. Groaning loudly you informed Genji of your disapproval. He sighed in response.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, getting to know more about Genji could be a good thing since for some reason the two of you where constantly bumping into each other. The weird part about it was that you two where polar opposites. "You know what they say about opposites," Kyniala whispered to you.

Waving your care taker off you looked back out the window. The rain had calmed down and the clouds where starting the part. Small rays of sun shine peaked through the blanket of cotton balls revealing the beautiful blue sky. The smell of damp morning air filled your nose before causing you to sneeze.

Using your sleeve to wipe off the snot like a 10 year old you mumbled," damn allergies." Genji had said nothing in response causing you to feel a bit disappointed. You almost hoped he had made a crude comment so a conversation could have started. The silent car was starting to get awkward.

"So.... um... who else do you work with in Overwatch," you asked. Genji seemed slightly surprised that you had tried to start talking with him. He made a 'huh' sound before responding. "I don't work for Overwatch anymore, I just help from time to time. Zenyatta think's it would do me good to surround myself with people other than omnic monks."

You nodded and turned your attention from the window to Genji. "Why'd you leave? Overwatch seems like such a nice place to work. So far all the people seem nice..." Genji growled making you somewhat frightened.

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