Chapter 5: Two Souls

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POV: Zuri

(Time to change the prospective!)

"(Y/N) probably just saw it on one of the screens," I said with confidence. I looked over to my friend who's face was blank. What's going on? Why is (Y/N) acting like this, I thought as a thousand things whirled around my head at once.

Winston shook his head. " that would be the logical explanation Zuri but sadly thats not the case. Widowmaker has not been added to our data base yet and even if she was she wouldn't have been in our allies folder which is the one I saw you two walk over to," Winston explained.

I nodded and then looked back over to my best friend who still looked blank. Fear rose through me as I thought of the worst. "(Y/N)... You wouldn't happen to work for them... Or have worked with the Talon before have you," I asked fearful.

(Y/N) finally showed some emotion which was a mixture of anger and sadness. "No... I would never work for them," (Y/N) hissed. I could tell she wasn't lying, (Y/N)'s eyes have a glow in them when they lie. Right now (Y/N)'s eyes where blank.

Nodding Winston asked another question. "How do you know her," he asked trying to pressure an answer out of my friend. (Y/N) said nothing, instead they stared at the ground not wanting to make eye contract with anyone. "(Y/N)" Winston said harshly.

Still silent my friend looked up towards me and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' and then looked away again. I started to get angry.

"If talking does not work force is always a second option." It was kind of like the green version of the flash that zipped through. I believe (Y/N) referred to him as Genji. The cyborg's blade was to my friend's throat which kind of freaked me out.

I heard a loud gulp from (Y/N), they weren't expecting this. I felt nervous just watching the blade touch their throat. "Genji calm down! All of you get away from (Y/N)," said a strong female voice. Mercy walked into the room and grabbed Genji's sword. "When was the last time any of you have worked with a child? If you go up to them and start threatening to cut their throat when your asking them a personal question when you hardly know them just, UGH!," Mercy said giving up.

Mercy then grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and pulled them away to another room. The last thing I heard was my friend telling. Mercy,"I'm not a kid."

(A/N: okay quick thing. This book takes place before Overwatch was shut down. It's about 5 years after the Omnic Crisis and they are currently battling the government about what will, in the future, get them shut down. At this point Genji has just started training with Zenyatta which is the reason he's such as ass right now. Just wanted to clear things up)


POV: (Y/N)

"Welcome to Overwatch's hospital, the place I normally spend my time," Mercy said. She lead you to a small room with a bunch of equipment in it. Mercy patted on a chair signaling you to sit down. Taking a seat Mercy took out a gun looking thing.

The medic started typing something into her computer which gave you time to look around. There where mechanical arms and legs all over the place making you shiver. You had never really liked going to the doctors... It always creeped you out.

"Can you show me your injured leg darling," Mercy asked. You rolled up your pant leg for your right leg. She pointed the gun at it which made you flinch. But instead of shooting a bullet at you a wave of soothing light was on your leg. Looking down you watched as your wounds healed almost instantly. "Wow...," you said in surprise.

Mercy chuckled. "Okay now sweet heart, can you take your shirt off for me." You stared at her blankly which made Mercy give off a nervous laugh. "I didn't mean anything bad, i just wanted to make sure you where healed," she exclaimed. You laughed at what she thought and then shook your head.

"No... I didn't think that. I'm just.... a coward," you told her. Mercy looked confused. "I don't understand-," Mercy said but then stopped mid sentence when you finally took off your shirt. Her eyes where filled with surprise and she mouthed out 'oh'.

"I... have had to replace many limbs with mechanical ones... Even entire body's... But that's not any mechanical limb is it (Y/N)...," Mercy said as you trembled. "Yeah.. It's not a normal one alright... Heh," you said awkwardly.

Mercy sat down next to you, hands in her lap clenched together. "So what happened...," she asked giving you a sympathetic look. You stared at your right arm and looked back at her.

"Well it's a long story."


I was about 8 at the time, I had a mother and a father but no siblings. I remember wanting a sister at the time but that's a different story. We lived not to far away from here in a city, I honestly don't remember the name of the city though. One day I was playing outside when bombs went off. My mother brought me inside quickly to a bomb shelter that was underneath the apartment we lived in. The bomb shelter didn't work though. The entire building came down and toppled on top of us. I don't remember what happened afterwards but when I woke up my mother was crying. She was saying sorry to me and telling me she was a coward and wouldn't stay with me. I couldn't get up, I was trapped beneath the rubble. I cried for my mom to keep trying but she left... Soon after she left though my savior arrived, his name was Kyniala an Omnic monk. Afterwards he started caring for me. It's not like I had anywhere to go. My mother had left me to die and my father had disappeared. It was a quiet 3 years after that, I didn't have my arm or leg anymore because of them getting crushed and my spine couldn't function right so I had to use a wheel chair. Kyniala made it for me! For awhile is was great until the Talon found us... Apparently Kyniala had made some sort of super weapon, something that was 10 times stronger than an atomic bomb. He hadn't told me about it. When the Talon attacked they took me as a hostage to try and get Kyniala to hand it over, which he was about to... He really did care about me now that I think about it. I can't really remember what happened next, it was really blurry. I think a part of me is trying to keep me safe by not letting me see what happened. When I woke up I was on the streets of my home town, the one where me and Kyniala had been staying. I was so confused on what had happened until I had stared at my own hands and then everything clicked. I'm not sure if it was the Talon's doing but I remember crying. Not out of hating what had happened because it was better than Kyniala dying but out of fear. I was scared of what was going to happen to us...


"I see," Mercy said putting her hand on your shoulder. "So is he apart of you or..." "He's like half of me now... We have one body but two souls, it's kind of strange to be honest. One minute I want to meditate then next I'm jumping off the walls," you explained to her.

She nodded and brought you into a hug. "Well (Y/N) look at it this way, your the first person to be both Omnic and human... Even if it is you and Kyniala fused into one body," Mercy said holding your body closer. You sighed heavily, your lips trembling. You weren't sure why, but your felt like you where going to cry.

"Yeah the first ever.... We're okay we promise," you and Kyniala said in unison. Is was he first time he had spoken in the 2 years.

(A/N: finally explanation! Only took 5 chapters)

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