Chapter 10: Training

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POV: (Y/N)

So the other day McCree may or may not have broken your leg... Okay he didn't really break your leg but it was rapped in bandages now. Why? Because he forgot the condition your leg was in before makings you sprint around his house.

Could you even call this place a house. You weren't sure. It had holes everywhere. The ceiling, the walls, the floor. Even the refrigerator door had a hole in it. You sort of wondered what Mercy would do if she found out what a reck McCree's house was.

So today instead of running around and doing push ups you got to stand in place. Sadly it wasn't that easy.

"This is a pistol, it's normally used for ranged combat. Try hitting the target with it," McCree commanded pointing at the red and white circles. Aiming the pistol you tried shooting. You smiled when you realized you hit the target, though it was on the outer circle.

A couple of bangs later and you had only it the target 3 times, all on the outer circle. You looked at McCree for encouragement but his mouth was so wide in disbelief his cigaret had fallen to the ground. "Was I really that bad...," you mumbled feeling very embarrassed.

Your teacher shook the look off of his face and took the pistol from your hand. "honest, yes that was pretty bad. But pistols ain't for everyone, we just gotta find a weapon that works for you," the old Overwatch cowboy explained. He took the gun back and handed you a shotgun.

You tried it out, hitting the target a much easier then with the pistol but still you where no good. Sighing you dropped the shotgun to the ground and with McCree's help limped back to his hole ridden cottage.

"Kid, don't beat yourself up. Maybe fighting isn't your style, maybe support is," your superior exclaimed. You just sighed. Right now you wanted two things:

1. To go home

And 2: to know where Zuri was.

As far as you knew no one had found her yet which was bothering you. Maybe if she was here you would have been able to aim better... Maybe. But all that aiming stuff aside you weren't to worried about Zuri getting caught by Talon, they'd have no use for her. More or less you wondered if she had anything to drink or even to eat.

You sat down on the old, ripped chair and rested your foot on the coffee table like McCree does. "Maybe instead of sittin' like me you could practice aiming like me," he said chuckling. That sort of angered you but you decided to let it slide.

For now you where just going to relax and.... Sleep.

Dreams are freaking weird, they base themselves off of what ever you where think about before going to sleep but change the idea into something weird and disoriented. Your dream took place at the shooting field, you didn't hear any voices but you know you had to shoot the target.

You could have sword you hit the target perfectly but your bullets went through the bulls eye. Then suddenly Zuri was there looking very hungry but cheering you on.

Slowly opening you eyes you realized it was morning. "(Y/N) you dream about the weirdest things," Kyniala commented in his know it all voice. " hi I'm Kyniala and I dream about the sun and meditation," you spat back sticking out your tongue like a 2 year old.

"What did I do wrong while raising you," he sighed. Groaning you lifted yourself off of the chair and stretched. It wasn't even morning yet, the stars and moon where still in the sky.

Looking into the kitchen you saw McCree fast asleep with his head resting on the table. His loud snoring was quite annoying but there wasn't much you could do about it.

Realizing you weren't going to go back to sleep you decided to take a stroll outside. "(Y/N) this is a-," "bad idea I get it..," you cut Kyniala off. You had to admit you've been acting like a jerk to him lately but the omnic deserved it.

"And why do I deserve it," he asked as you walked to who knows where. You rolled your eyes. Honestly there was only one big reason but you knew if you started ranting you wouldn't stop. Besides you didn't want to hurt him.

Although you admitted to yourself it probably hurt more that you didn't say anything at all. Sighing you pushed your thoughts to the back of your mind. "Kyniala I'm sorry okay I just don't want to talk about it," you mumbled to him. As normal he respected your wishes.

Stopping suddenly you looked around you, you'd just been wondering this whole time. For a second you didn't know where you where until you found yourself at the shooting range.

"Oh yay...," you mumbled. If this where some sort of movie you'd train all night and become the best shooter of all time but no this wasn't a movie. This was your life. The life of (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N).

"(Y/N) don't get worked up over not being able to aim," Kyniala said calmly. You took a deep breath in. He was right, you weren't sure why you where all over the place right now. Maybe it was because of everything happening. You weren't sure.

Kyniala laughed. "Congratulations (Y/N) you've officially hit puberty," he informed you. You stopped dead cold. "I knew you where going to be a late bloomer, my little (boy/girl) is growing up,"

"How do you even know!?," you asked so confused. "I took a scan of you when you woke up," Kyniala said jokingly. Groaning you stormed back to McCree's house.

This had been one weird day.

(A/N: man what a nice chapter of filler that took me a month to write. Yep...
I'm so sorry...)

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