Chapter 9: Cancer Stick

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POV: (Y/N)

"Don't tell me we're staying here," you whined. McCree had just brought you into the most run down house in the entire neighborhood and as far as you could tell there wasn't anything in here that could clean up your leg.

McCree gave off a happy sounding sigh. "Yup, home sweet home. Your home too, for the time beein'," said the cowboy, the smoke from his cigaret hitting the ceiling. You had lived on the streets for the 2 years prior to getting into this big mess so you where used to unclean living areas. Still you thought that an Overwatch agent would have a nice apartment at the least.

Instead you where stuck in a house that looks like it's been empty for years. Looking at the southern Overwatch agent who had seated himself in an old worn down chair, you gave him a confused look. "Why am I staying here?," you asked in a serious tone.

McCree took out his cigaret, smoke escaping his mouth, allowing him to take a fresh breath in. Wiggling the cancer stick in between his fingers the cowboy turned to you. "You said you where apart of Overwatch to those two idiots back there. That was just to intimidate, right? Anyone could tell that you a... 10... 11 year old?," Jesse said struggling to figure out your age

Am I really that short..., you thought angrily. "I'm (Y/A) years old...," you told him. McCree mouthed out the word 'shoot' and then gave you an apologetic smile. Sighing you sat down on the dusty ground looking at the cowboy, waiting for him to continue.

"Anyways... What I was going to say is anyone can tell you aren't apart of Overwatch, that's just a given. But considering the fact that your being chased down by Talon, and Overwatch is kind of short on members since Blackwatch screwed everything up, I was considering training you to be an agent," Jesse explained, still fiddling with his cancer stick.

Raising an eye brow you couldn't help but feel your jaw drop. "So your telling me your going to train me to become an Overwatch agent?," you asked unable to comprehend what was going on. Jesse nodded, sticking his cigaret back in his mouth. "And you have the power to do that?"

"Naw, but I'm going to do it anyways," he chuckled pushing himself up off his chair. Stretching, he walked over to a screen and turned it on. "I guess I should be callin' the HQ to inform Mercy that your alright. She's been flippin' since ya left."  Dialing a bunch of numbers into the screen, the screen started to ring like a telephone.

Walking next to him you watched the screen spring to life, Winston filling up the once black space. He was reading a newspaper, his giant gorilla feet propped up on the table. You where surprised to see a gorilla drinking coffee... It struck you as unhealthy for an animal.

"Winston, partner, look what I found," McCree said acting as if you where some sort of prize. Winston tore his eyes away from his news paper. The gorilla's eyes widened, spitting out his coffee. He used his giant hands to fix his glances. "(Y/N) thank god your safe!," he exclaimed getting up from his chair.

"Mercy! Bastion! Mei! ..... Genji.... McCree found one of them," Winston called. He didn't say Genji's name too loud, Genji must be in a bad mood. Suddenly you could hear a door swing upon and 3 people rushed in. Mercy was in front of them crying. "Oh (Y/N), you stupid, brave child! What where you thinking!? Your almost has bad as Reinhardt!," Mercy exclaimed, her smile wide even though she was crying.

Bastion beeped away, unsure of what he was saying you assumed they where beeps of happiness and relief. Mei had a huge goofy grin on her face, she jumped up and down, her eyes glowing. It was strange, you had just met all of these people.... And they all seemed to care so much about you. It made you smile.

"I'm fine guys, really.... ," you said trying to hold back tears. A cold hand fell on your shoulder causing you to look up. A pair soft brown eyes met yours and McCree's smile sent a warm glow of calmness down your body. "It was nice talkin' to ya again but I'm going to show (Y/N) the ropes of bein' an Overwatch agent. We'll check with ya again tomorrow," McCree said calmly.

"Wait, what!," Mercy said, surprise written all over her blue eyes. Mei put her hand on Mercy's shoulder. " (Y/N) needs a way to defend themselves, Overwatch training might be the best way for them to learn that," the ice lover exclaimed patting her friend on the back. Mercy took a second to think about the situation before excepting it.

"We're all in agreement then?," Jesse asked. All 4 of the Overwatch agents back at the HQ nodded. With that McCree tilted his hat and turned off the TV. "Okay partner, outside now! I want 50 laps around this here house!," the cowboy shouted making you flinch. So far this guy had been pretty laid back but now... He suddenly started acting like a drill Sargent.

"Do you need an invitation or somethin' kid?," he asked again, more sturnly. Gulping you snapped out do your thoughts and ran outside. Something told you this was going to be a looooong day.

Please read! I need your help!

Okay so I kinda want this to be a vote! So what kinda abilities do you want to learn? Do you want to be a ninja, assassin, sniper, duel pistol weilder, trap master, zapper, turret placer, ect. Would you like to be offense, defense, tank, or support? Tell me in the comments!

Also one more thing: A Contest!

Okay so I want to see if any of you know where the fraise 'Cancer Stick' comes from. If you guess correctly and your the first person to give the correct answer to me you get to change the story in any way you want.... As long as it's within reason. You could have your OC appear in the book, or have the reader be related to a character. No deaths though unless it's a made up character. Sound good?

Anyways thank you for your time!

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