Chapter 14 preview: Nepal

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Note: this is only half of the a none edited chapter.

"(Y/N).... (Y/N) wake up," Genji said annoyed shaking you in your sleep. Grumbling you opened your eye a little bit. The green light of his visor made you quickly shut your eyes from the burning. "Oh. Sorry," he mumbled.

You pulled the covers over you like a child not wanting to go to school. Genji groaned, cursing under his breath about children. He the proceeded to rip the sheets off of the bed making you shiver. "Okay okay! I'm getting up," you said tiredly.

Tiredly climbing out of bed you stretched, letting out a large yawn in the process. "So what's the big idea? Waking me up so early I mean," you asked. You picked up your socks that where lying on the floor. Must have kicked them off in your sleep.

"We're going to Nepal," Genji said sharply throwing your spare clothes onto you. Your shirt had landed on you head. Scrambling to get it off you 'folded' it and put it on your bed. "Wait Nepal!? As in India Nepal," you exclaimed.

Genji nodded, motioning you to hurry up and get ready. You groaned as you watched your traveling companion walk out of your room.

Taking off your clothes from the other day you made sure that no wires where pulled. After throwing them into a corner in your room you quickly got dressed and ran out the door.

Running down the hall you suddenly wondered what Zuri was up to. What did they do to her to make her scared of you. You wish the world would just send you answers. But alas the world is cruel and you where left wondering what the terrorist  group did to your friend. All you knew was after you trained with Genji you would whoop all their butts.

After wandering around for a bit looked for the green cyborg ninja dude you found him with someone else. They where discussing something so you simply took a seat on the floor next to them.

The two adults continued to talk about the flight, boring you to hell until they randomly stopped. "Okay (F/N), lets go. I don't want to baby sit you longer than I have too," Genji said motioning you to follow him. Sticking out your tongue and crossing your arms you stomped after him. The man Genji had been talking to chuckled and followed you into the small air craft.

It was like a small private helicopter. Their whew 4 seats in the back and two in the front. The man went to the front and startled flipping switches to start the thing up. Genji on the other hand patted the seat next to him. Sighing you sat next to the cyborg and put your feet up on the other seat.

Genji stared at you for a second. You gave him a question glance. "You remind me of when I was younger," he said finally after sometime. You smiled and chuckled. "I never said that was a good thing." And like that the smile was wiped of your face and replaced with dread.

"Oh look we're taking off," Genji said as if nothing ever happened. The little propellers that made the helicopter fly started picking up speed. Faster and faster they went until slowly the little craft you where in lifter off the ground.

"Next stop Nepal," the man in the front shouted and he drove the helicopter out of the Overwatch back and into the sky.

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