(Y/N)'s interactions in the lobby

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(That video has nothing to do with this chapter but I had to put it up there, it was too funny to pass up!)

So you know how when your on the attacking team and your in the waiting area sometimes your character will have a small chat with someone's else's character? Well this is what you would say in this book... Make sense? I hope so...


Genji- how is my brother faring?
(Y/N)- he's been fine! I hope you two will be brothers again some day...
Genji- me too... Me too...
(Foreshadowing future events maybe?)


(Y/N)- McCree I'm almost as good as you now, I can make some nasty head shots!
McCree-well you learned from the best~
(Y/N)- didn't Genji help too?
McCree-sure but I did all the hard work


(Y/N)- wait your phara aren't you? You where the one who saved the temple! ... Your sort of my hero...

Phara-my mother was the hero, not me


(Y/N)-what are you thinking about?
Reaper- all the ways I could kill you


Solider76- stop trying to play hero and go back to school
(Y/N)- I tried that but most schools don't take kindly to Omnic, human freaks


Tracer- seems like so long ago when we first met. It may seem small now, but I bought you a loaf of bread and some water
(Y/N)- that wasn't even close to small! Besides if that never happened I wouldn't be apart of Overwatch


(Y/N)- I bet I can spot more birds than you can!
Bastion-beep boop beep
(Y/N)- your on!


(Y/N)- so when are you going to teach me how to climb up walls?
Hanzo- not now but soon.
(Y/N)-that's what you said a mouth ago...


Junkrat- ya know if I really wanted to I could capture ya right now and take ya ta Talon. Their still payin' big bucks for ya.
(Y/N)- do that and I'll spit in your face again
Junkrat- no need to get feisty...


Mei-your fire arrows only contribute to global warming! I wish you wouldn't use them!
(Y/N)- come on, don't be like that! Besides I have ice arrows too!


Tornjörn-ugh, more of ya Omnic bastards. Makes me sick to me stomach
(Y/N)- one nice punch to your stomach and I could make the sickness go away for ya~


Widowmaker-your still mad at me? After all this time?
(Y/N)-it's not like you can feel so it doesn't matter if I like you, now does it?


DVa: finally! Someone around my age! Do you want to get together and play some Starcraft after this?
(Y/N)- Do I!?


(Y/N)- How do you even keep that armor on? It looks so heavy and hot...
Reinhardt- you get used to it! Besides it looks like knight armor!
(Y/N)- okay... Still don't think I'd wear all that...


(Y/N)- try anything and I shoot
*just laughs at you*
(Y/N)- ugh!


Winston- stay out of trouble or call if help if you need it
(Y/N)- come on I'm fine! Your almost as bad as Mercy!!!
Winston- sorry, sorry.


Zarya- I feel sorry for you, sharing a body with an Omnic. It must be horrible
(Y/N)- your so lucky Hanzo and Genji taught me discipline
Zarya- then so are you


Lúcio- you are like the symbol of equality (Y/N)! Makes me wish there where more Omnic human hybrids...
(Y/N)- this is a blessing but also a curse... I don't think I could wish this upon  anyone else...


(Y/N)- please don't mother me out there...
Mercy-I'll try but I won't make any promises


Symmetra- you are like discord in a wall of flesh
(Y/N)-well that's your opinion...


Zenyatta- you have taught my student many things... Thank you
(Y/N)- it's was the least I could do after everything that had happened.
Zenyatta-is that so

Meh OC's:


(Y/N)- the dream team is back!
Zuri- yeah! Long time no see! Let's kick butt!
(Y/N)- *laughs*

And that's it... This was kinda random but I really wanted to do it.. Anyways see ya

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