Chapter 7: Garbage

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(OKAY PLEASE READ! Every chapter so far has had one of the Overwatch characters as the main focus of the chapter. This time it's Junkrat... and i have no idea how to do an Australian accent sooooo, im sorry in advanced...)

POV: Mercy

"What do we do, what do we do!," I asked Winston, almost in tears. We're supposed to be Overwatch, protectors of all, and we let Talon get two kids. Not to mention if Talon found out (Y/N) was apart of Kyniala they might hurt them. They really wanted the stupid weapon the Omnic had made. With all of this fuss about it I question why Kyniala, an Omnic monk, even built it.

Winston put his large hand on my shoulder and smiled. "We'll do what Overwatch is supposed to do. We'll take out the Talon and save the kids all in one swoop," the ape said heroically earning him some sarcastic sounding beeps from Bastion. Winston didn't make me feel any better either.

"The only flaw with your plan is we've already tried to take out Talon a hundred times, what makes you think that this time will be any different," Genji added. Although I still wasn't happy with him because of the accident with (Y/N) I agreed with him on this. Nodding I tried to think of some other alternative but nothing came to mind.

"Why did they want those two anyway, they seemed so insignificant," said the cyborg I had built. I gave him a glare which I was unable to see any reaction from Genji."Well for starters (Y/N) knows where Kyniala's bomb is hidden," I said. Everyone's eyes where wide, I think even Genji was surprised.

Bastion beeped a bit in worry and Mei's little drone hid in her hoodie. Winston slammed his hand against the wall. "Well then are we going to go finish off Talon or are we going to wait here and let our world die?," he asked nobly standing up straight. No one answered right away, this could a suicide mission.

But I think we all silently agreed that it had to be done.


POV: (Y/N)

Your world was spinning and everything seemed so disoriented as if you where in some kind of dream. Trying to pick yourself up you found out you where stuck in a tire. Well then... This couldn't have started any better could it, you thought to yourself. Growling you tried to get it off you.

Finally succeeding the tire rolled down a hill made of garbage and into another hill. Looking around you, you where surprised to see that you were in a garbage dump surrounded by tones and tones of useless things. You couldn't even remember how you got here which kind of scared you at first.

"Kyniala! Kyniala! Are you there," you asked. No response which made you scream. "Kyniala I swear to god if you don't talk to me for once I'll rip any part of you out of me " you growled. Kyniala seemed to get the message. "yes (Y/N), I'm here," he said sounding a bit tired.

"Good, so uh.... do you know where we are," you asked. Kyniala gave you a long sigh telling you he had no idea. Sighing back you decided to have a look around.

Sliding down the mountain of trash you landed feet first into a maze made of random things. Groaning you started to wander around. Broken TV's where everywhere. You where actually kind of scared as you walked around.

"Oh um...," you mumbled as your tried not to puke. A corps of an Omnic was lying within on of the mounds. It made you feel very sick.

Tearing your eyes away from the poor thing you kept wondering. After awhile of looking around and jumping every time you heard a creek, you saw foot prints.

Your spirits lifted as you started to run, following the foot steps in the mud. Running hopefully towards an exit you couldn't help but wondering who these foot steps belonged too. There where 4 prints, 2 where huge prints that must have been made by a giant. The other set had one tiny dot as one of the prints and the other was a normal foot.

"I'm not sure how comfortable I am with this plan," Kyniala said making you stop for a second. "Well it's not like we have any other way out of here...," you responded although you had the same bad feeling about this.

Your blood pressure went off the charts when you felt someone's hot breath on your shoulder. "Oi, who ya takin' too stranger," said who ever was. Flipping around you punched him in the stomach with your Omnic hand.

"Gak! Why ya got to be like that kid," the man said dizzily. Someone was keeping him up. The one you had punched was Junkrat! The one who worked with Reaper and Widowmaker... And Talon. The one keeping him from falling on his back though was new to you. He was pretty big and was wearing some sort of pig like mask.

"I am not a kid," you growled at him. You hated when people called you that. Junkrat stumbled back on to his feet and rubbed his back side. "Thanks Roadhog, I got enough bruises back there," said the Australian sounding maniac.

You crossed your arms and starts them both down. "Oi, ye a feisty one... The names-," "Junkrat, I know. Reaper said your name while I was being choked to death," you informed him. Junkrat just laughed making you extremely pissed off.

"Oi, the good old times wasn't it mate," he said slapping his knee. You growled at him. "Not good times! I was being choked to death you Australian piece of-," you snapped at him. Before you could finish your sentence a large chain was around your neck and the one named Roadhog was in your face.

Growling he told you in a low deep voice," do ANYTHING to upset Rat and I will end you." Roadhog then let the chain off your neck and backed up. "Whoa, what was that all about?," Junkrat asked but Roadhog didn't answer.

Gulping a bit you could hear Kyniala screaming at you for your bad planning skills. "L-listen... It was nice to meet you two and all but... Do you guys know the way out do here," you asked. The two looked at each other. Junkrat chuckled a bit and then started walking.

"If ya want to get outta here the exit is this way," he responded and Roadhog followed him. You weren't sure if you trusted them, not only because Kyniala was shouting at you about the 'stranger danger' rule, but because they had a history with the Talon.

Sighing though you pushed all of your worries a side and followed them through the maze. It wasn't like there was any other way out that you could find.

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