Katie's Happiness

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Alex, David, Michael, and I walk towards the bar that Katie works at. It's been about three days since Alex and I fought with our younger sister and it's about a week before we go on tour with Katie's band. I'm hoping that we can make it through this summer without killing each other.

I mean when we fight mum and dad got involved in some way or another. They don't want us to team up on their baby daughter. Christ some times the youngest child thing has it perks, I wish I was still in that boat.

We sit in our booth to see that most of Crüe and Poison are sitting in their normal booths while Katie and Hannah get set up for their shift and the guys from their band watch. Zac, Beck, and Ace are all kinda assholes and they don't do a lot of work.

"You think she's still pissed?" Alex wonders. "I mean she doesn't look pissed."

"I mean she doesn't look pissed but I'm not going to say that means Katie isn't pissed." I explain. "I mean we both grew up with her crazy ass."

"I'll ask her." David says. "Katie! Come here!"

Katie walks over to our table and studies all of us.

"Eddie and Alex want to know if you're still pissed off at them." The singer explains.

"Are they ready to be adults?" Katie asks and crosses her arms.

"Yes, I'm ready to act my age." Alex admits and she glares at us.

"Yeah, me too." I agree and she half smiles.

"Then I'm not pissed off anymore." She says simply before turning on her heels and walking back to her work.

"See? She's not mad." Michael smiles and I nod.

"Something doesn't feel right." Alex mumbles. "My big brother senses are going off."

"Your's too?" I ask with a laugh.

I can't even explain it but I feel like something bad is going to happen to Katie. I don't know why I feel this way, call me crazy I guess. But I had this feeling before my grandmother got the call about mum having Katie early and I specifically remember it, Alex gets this feeling too but he has it times two because he has two little siblings.

Just before the bar opens Tommy Lee slips in the door but doesn't go over to his band like he should. The drummer goes over to my baby sister and she lights up. I watch as they talk for a minute before Tommy bends down and kisses Katie's lips.

It's like an alarm goes off in my head and I can't hear anything. It's almost like a blinding rage or something but I can't control my emotions or anything. I'm pissed the fuck off and I'm going to kill that fucking drummer.

"I'm going to kill him." Alex hisses my thoughts and stands up.

"He's gonna die." I mutter and stand up.

"No, you're not." Michael says before pulling David up to play blockers.

We argue a little bit before sitting back down. Alex and I take turns glaring at the drummer and our little sister.

I hate the way he looks at her, i mean he looks at her like he'd take her on the table or something. It pisses me off so much like Katie is our little sister and people shouldn't look at her like that. Katie isn't a girl that guys look at like that, Katie is a little girl. A little girl that spent the first few months of her life in a glass box.

When I look at Katie I don't see a twenty two year old woman, I see that little baby in that little glass box. I don't see the Katie that graduated high school, I see the Katie that was smaller than all the other four year olds that were starting kindergarten. In my eyes she'll always been this little girl that needs to be protected.

"Eddie?" David calls pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I answer.

"Do me a favour?" He asks and I nod. "Try to look past Tommy and look at Katie."

"You too, Alex." Michael says and we look over.

Katie is behind the bar filling up glasses with daft beer, Tommy is leaning on the bar talking to her. Katie is smiling a lot and laughs every once in a while. Tommy is quite literally talking her ear off but Katie doesn't mind at all.

Katie stops paying attention to the beer and she over fills it. Beer spills over the top of the cup and goes all over her hands. Both Tommy and Katie start laughing their asses off. Katie wipes the beer off her hands then places the glasses on the tray. Tommy kisses her temple before she goes back to deliver drinks.

"She looks happy." Alex admits quietly.

"She looks extremely happy." I admit.

"Isn't that what you guys what?" Michael wonders. "Don't you want your little sister to be happy?"

"Well yeah but--" I get cut off.

"No buts, Edward." David cuts my off and my eyes grow.

"Well then." I laugh and so does everyone else.

"Katie is happy then the two of you should be happy." Michael cuts in.

"But the minute he hurts her..." David trails off with a laugh. "Then boys, Mötley Crüe will be looking for a new drummer and I didn't see nothing."

"Yeah, I'm already working on my alibi." Michael laughs. "No officer, I was at my grandmother's ninetieth birthday party. You know, that broad can put back a case of Budweiser quicker than I can." He laughs and I roll my eyes.

If Katie is happy then I'm happy, Tommy just better pray that that doesn't change. He makes her cry then I make him cry. He breaks her heart then I'll break his neck. They'll never find his body if he hurts her. Between Eddie, Alex, David, and I that six foot giant drummer will fucking die.

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