David and Eugenia

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"Mama, aunt Kelly is gonna have a baby." Melody tells me as Alex carries her into the kitchen of the funeral home.

Eddie, Tommy, and I have been hiding in here before the funeral starts because we really don't want to face what's going on in the other room. Melody reaches for Tommy who is standing behind me as Alex walks past us.

Kelly is going to have a baby and she's about six months pregnant now, I probably forgot to mention that. Her and Alex are going to have a baby boy come October and she's definitely showing her pregnancy. I think you're supposed to say that she's glowing, I mean she's a beautiful woman and her being pregnant doesn't make her ugly or anything.

"You know she hates you a little bit." Alex admits as he gets the watery coffee from the machine. "Kelly, that is."

"Why did I do to her?" I wonder and he laughs.

"Because you were this big around your whole pregnancy with Melody." Alex reminds me and holds up his baby finger. "And my dear wife thinks that she looks like a whale."

"Aw, your wife is beautiful." Eddie speaks up and Alex makes a face.

"Don't think about my wife like that, Edward." My oldest brother grumbles and Eddie laughs.

"My apologies, Alexander." He laughs and I roll my eyes. "Oh! That reminds me, Kathleen." Eddie taps the table in front of me. "Who all knows about your baby?"

"Uh, you two, Michael, and Sammy." I rack my brain. "We've been in Europe for the past week and a half." I remind them.

"You should tell mum." Alex speaks up and I make a face.

"I'm not telling mum today, it's dad's funeral!" I hiss and he rolls his eyes.

"It would make mum smile again, little one." Eddie speaks up.

"I'll tell her." Tommy speaks and I look back at him. "I mean your mum has really started to warm up to me."

"Babe, I haven't been told the doctors yet." I remind him. "Should we maybe wait until we know the baby is heal---"

"Katie, trust me." Tommy smiles. "The baby is going to be healthy and I'm going to tell your mum after the funeral."

"We gonna tell Oma about the baby?" Melody asks and I smile.

"Yeah, lamb, we're going to tell her." My husband says and bounces our daughter.

We all talk for a little while before anyone else enters into the little kitchen area. We have all taken seats at the little tablet and Melody is sitting on my husband's lap. We make light conversation to keep our minds off of what's going to happen after this. I hope all goes well.

The door behind us opens at Michael sticks his head in.

"Looks guys, someone came requesting to see you Van Halens." The bassist explains and then holds the door opened.

"Uncle David!" My baby squeals.

Sure as shit David Lee Roth walks into the little kitchen area and lights up as soon he sees all of us. David goes up to my daughter and scoops her up from Tommy's lap.

"Hi Melody! You're getting pretty like your mommy." He tells our daughter then kisses my head. "Been good, Katie?"

"I'm always good, David." I remind him and he laughs.

"That sounds scripted." The singer laughs.

"Mama says I'm pretty like daddy." Melody says causing all of us to laugh.

"I mean we're happy to see you but how'd you find out about this?" Alex wonders and David smiles.

"Tommy called me, he told me that his girls missed me." David laughs and I smile at my husband. "Then he told me about your dad and shit, I'm sorry guys."

"We missed you." Eddie admits.

"I miss all of you too." David admits. "I see you got someone to replace me. Tommy said that Katie doesn't like him very much."

"Tommy!" I hiss.

"Thank you, David." My husband mutters.

"Katie likes maybe four people." Eddie laughs and I roll my eyes.


Katie didn't cry at the funeral and she didn't cry when the casket was lowered into the ground, she just held onto my hand tightly. Alex and Eddie stayed the exact same way, quiet and strong for everyone else around them. Eugenia wasn't like that, she bawled and stood between her sons for strength.

Katie took Melody to go get something to eat once we're back at her parents. I figure that this is a good time to talk to my mother in law, I feel like Eugenia could go for some good news right now.

I find my mother in law sitting at the dining room table looking at old pictures. I sit down at the table beside her and she forces a smile. She moves a picture so I can see it a bit better.

It's an old black and white picture of Alex, Eddie, and little baby Katie. They're all sitting on the floor with their father and there's some toys on the floor. Eddie hold onto my wife who was wrapped in a little blanket.

"That was the first time we were able to bring Kathleen home from the hospital, she was almost five months old." She explains. "Edward and Alexander were so infatuated with Kathleen, I think it's because Jan always told them that she was an angel."

"He wasn't far off." I admit and she smiles. "Katie is damn near a gift from God."

"She's our little miracle." Eugenia smiles down at the picture. "I'm happy she found you and I'm happy that you two kept the baby."

"I'm happy too, Melody and Katie make me so happy." I admit and she smiles. "Katie is about to make me a whole lot happier."

"How so?" My mother in law asks.

"Katie is just under a month pregnant, we're going to have another baby." I beam and she lights up. "By April next year you'll have two more grand babies."

"Three grandkids." Eugenia beams. "I can't wait." She laughs. "More babies to spoil."

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