Judgment Day

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"Hey baby, we've got a problem." Tommy says as he walks downstairs.

That's the last thing I want to hear the night before my wedding. Everything is going really well and nothing bad has happened yet. Now something bad has happened, this is horrible! I feel like I'm going to die now.

Tommy walks into the living room and starts to fiddle with the tv. There's going to be a fucking earthquake or torrential rain or a fucking hurricane or the sixth seal will be opened with a great earthquake, and the sun will become black as sackcloth of hair and the moon will become as blood...Judgement Day.

Tommy gets to the channel that he wants and sits down beside me, the tv plays a infomercial and I look at Tommy.

"Baby?" I ask confused.

"It'll be back on in a second." He explains and I nod.

After the infomercial a soccer games comes on and it's Greece (where Tommy was born and where his family hails from) against the Netherlands (where I was born and where my family hails from). I look over at my soon to be husband.

"Tommy, this is a soccer game." I say confused and he nods. "It's our home countries." He nods again. "Babe, I'm not seeing the problem."

"Greece and the Netherlands are in the middle of a series. You said your family that's still in Holland loves soccer. My family in Greece loves soccer. Our countries are feuding the week of our wedding and they're going to be in the same general area for a long period of time..." He trails off and I catch on.

"Oh! Oh Jesus!" I say and he nods.

"Yeah. My Yia Yia might punch your Oma in the face." Tommy laughs.

"Jesus, this is a problem." I agree.

"Hopefully we don't have a war on our hands." He adds and wraps his arms around me. "The baby is asleep."

"That won't last long once you leave." I joke and kiss his cheek.

Nikki and Vince had called our house earlier today saying that they were going to kidnap my husband and keep him until tomorrow. I thought the bride usually gets kidnapped and kept away from her husband but Vince, Nikki, and Tommy probably need time to gossip about shoes or hairspray or something.

"I don't really want to go." Tommy lies and I shake my head.

"Yeah you do." I remind him and he laughs.

"Yeah maybe. But not strippers and drinking and waking up with no memory of he night before on Vince's kitchen floor." He says and I shake my head.

"Drinking and strippers you're up for, I know you, Tommy." I say quietly and he pecks my lips. "As long as you don't find a stripper and not want to marry me tomorrow."

"Not going to happen, you're the most beautiful girl in the world." Tommy tells me. "I love you more than anything, alright?"

"I love you so much." I whisper and kiss his lips. "Don't drink too much tonight, okay? I kinda need you to be standing tomorrow."

"I promise." He whispers and kisses my lips.

That's about the time that Vince and Nikki bust in and steal my fiancé away from me.


So I don't remember much after I left the house last night. I know that I drank a lot and I know we were at some sleazy strip club but I didn't wake up on Vince's kitchen floor. I woke up in Nikki's floor! I woke up two hours before the wedding and if I don't figure out a way to sober up at least some I'm going to have a pissed off wife.

Alex and Eddie walk in with my baby in their arms and close the door a little louder than they meant to and my headache just gets worse. Nikki who was asleep in the chair beside me wakes up and falls off the chair. I don't even know where Vince is at this point but Mick looks like he's pissed about babysitting.

"Don't you boys look hung over." Eddie laughs. "How do you think Katie is go into take this?"

"Not well." I admit.

"Daddy!" Melody sings and I smile.

I stand up (even though I regret it afterwards) and take my daughter from her Uncle Alex's arms.

"Hi baby." I say as I bounce her. "I missed you last night."

"Clearly." Nikki mumbles and I elbow him.

"Missth daddy." Melody mumbles and kisses my cheek.

"How's Katie doing?" I wonder and Alex half smiles.

"Freaking out." Her oldest brother says. "Oma still doesn't approve of the baby out of wedlock."

"Fuck, she promised Katie that she wouldn't bring that up anymore." I mutter.

"Isn't your Yia Yia pissed too?" Mick wonders.

"Yeah but she can't speak English or Dutch so she can't freak out Katie. I can only figure out if she swears so that's only a problem for my mom." I laugh.

Short after that we have to all get set up for the wedding so going to the courtyard behind the church (that has no connection to either of our families it's just a Catholic Church). We all get lined up in front of my family and I bunch of people I've never met, the extended Van Halen family. Nikki bumps my shoulder and I smile.

"You alright?" He asks and I nod.

"I'll be better when I see her." I admit.

My mum and Eugenia are the first to walk down the aisle on either side of our daughter who walked between them. That was my idea, I wanted to include Melody in the ceremony somehow and Katie agreed with me. Mum, Eugenia, and Melody take their seats into the front row with my dad, Eddie, and Alex. Next down the aisle is my little sister, then Hannah, then Kelly, then Valerie (Katie's maid of honour), and I know my Katie is next.

The music changes and the doors to the church open again. My beautiful soon to be wife stand in a strapless, skin tight, silk wedding dress. Katie stands about four inches taller than she usually does and she's take slow timid steps down the aisle, she also has a pretty good grip on Jan. Her dark brown hair is braided off to the side and her makeup is done perfectly. My Katie is drop dead gorgeous.

When she reaches the the end of the aisle I step down to meet them. Jan mutters something in Dutch at me which makes Katie hiss something in Dutch at him. Jan laughs before going to take his seat next to Eugenia.

I wasn't really listening to the pastor I couldn't focus on anything but my Katie. I can't believe she's mine. I can't believe that she gave me our child. I can't believe it's been two years since we got together. I'm looking down at cloud nine at this point, I'm on top of the world.

"Tommy, I don't know where to start with you. You're my everything. When we first got together everything was perfect and I didn't think it could get any better. Then Melody came along and I was proved wrong. You're everything I've ever wanted and we're going to continue our perfect life. I love you more than anything." Katie vows and I smile.

"I've been in love with you since the minute I laid eyes on you." I start and she smiles. "You and Melody are my whole world and I'm not stupid enough, contrary to popular belief, to mess this up. I mean I do love you, Katie but I'm kinda scared of your big brothers." I joke and everyone (who speaks English) laughs. "Our relationship isn't stereotypical but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Kathleen Van Halen."

"By the power vested in me by the state of California I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

I smile and pick up Katie's face, I press my lips to her's and I feel her smile against my mouth. Our friends and family all cheer and I pull away from Katie.

"We're married." She says quietly and I smile.

Nikki taps me on my shoulder and holds Melody out to me.

"Daddy! Ma!" She squeals and we laugh.

I have a perfect wife and a perfect daughter, two perfect girls. I have the best job on the planet. I've got the best friends and the most amazing family. I'm the luckiest guy on this planet.

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