Chapter 40 - Don't Be Messin' 'Round

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March 10th, 1988

New York City, Sheraton Hotel

United Negro College Fund 44th Anniversary Dinner

"Thank you.  And hello to everyone.  I'm feeling very privileged to be here to honor my dear friend, Michael."

Frank and I joined the applause as all eyes were on Lissy up at the podium.  Michael was seated near the other honorees and his close friends.  I was seated with Frank and the guests.

"Michael, ever since we first met each other, we've been inseparable.  No matter the time we may go mad at each other, we always bounce back from it like it never even happened.  Our friendship and what we share is very special to me.  And it's not something you come across every day.   It's something I will never want to let go...I love you."

I glanced over to Michael and back to Lissy.  They were giving each other 'the eyes' again.  My heart started pounding in my chest as she continued to speak, making me feel more and more uncomfortable with every word that flew out of her mouth.

"You mean the world to me.  People call us twins because we're so much alike.  We're both shy, we were both brought into this world of wonders at a very young age and we both hurt.  We suffer together because we're both very much misunderstood.  It pains me as I see all the things people say about you, how people try to bring you down and make you out to be this person you're not.  And it angers me how quiet you remain.  It angers me that you don't stand up for yourself.  But that's why I've always been here.  I've always had your back.  And I will always be here by your side.  You are an amazing man, a very fine, extremely handsome young man, and I just wish you could see what I see."

I hated the way she was looking at him.  And I hated the way he was smiling at her.

"I love you so much, honey."

The crowd slowly began their applause again as it seemed her speech was over.  I didn't think it really was until I saw Michael stand up to go greet her with a hug at the podium.  I was a little confused because she didn't mention charity once.  Michael was such a humanitarian, one that I truly admired but she didn't say anything about it.  Her speech made no sense for this occasion.

I leaned over to Frank.  "Am I the only one who thought that sounded more like wedding vows than a speech for someone who is being honored tonight for their humanitarian efforts?"

He chuckled under his breath and shook his head.  I knew he'd agree.

"And she was slurring her words a little?  Is she drunk?" I asked him.

"No.  I heard she has a little cold.  She probably took some meds before she got here.  Michael knows she's not feeling well so he probably went up there to stop her."

"You mean there was more to her speech?"

Frank shrugged his shoulders.  "Had to be.  I hope so."

Elizabeth Taylor gave a speech as well.  She was very personal about it as well but it made more sense than Lissy's.  It was more genuine and heartfelt and appropriate for the occasion.

When the ceremony was over, Frank and I headed over to Michael.  He was standing with Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor, Whitney Houston and Lissy Bell.  When I made my way over, I felt extremely out of place standing beside these legends, minus Whitney but she was still someone to make your knees shake.  I stood behind Frank as he said hello to them and I glanced around the room, trying to make myself seem invisible.

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