Chapter 14 - Don't Stop Til' You Get Enough

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It was late at night and I was lying in my bed trying to sleep. I was tossing and turning with Michael heavily on my mind. I kept seeing images of him in my head, smiling and laughing. As soon as I would nod off I would feel his touch and it would make me jump in fear.

Why is he haunting me?

I guess I just missed him that much. I eventually was able to sleep. And I dreamt of him of course.

It started out sweet, us together in a park at night. We were sitting on a park bench holding hands and talking.

We were falling in love.

I got up and ran away laughing and he chased me. He pushed me down and I fell back hard on the grass but it didn't hurt. He got on top of me and we began kissing. That's when it became naughty...

I woke up hot and wet all over. I was sweating badly. The first thing I did was get up and took a shower.

I was now in Australia. It was weird because we had rehearsal, with Michael, and it was like I was being avoided again. That's probably why I was having such dreams. I wanted him even more that we were physically in each other's presence.

He called me briefly one morning from his suite and reassured me that he wasn't purposely staying away me. He said he was just busy with other affairs.

We had about a week off though before we hit the next city in Australia. I wasn't going to go another minute without getting him alone.

I walked to his room and I was going to knock but I couldn't ignore the loud music playing from his room. The Way You Make Me Feel, from his new album was blasting. I thought maybe he was practicing. I didn't want to interrupt but I needed to see him.

I banged on the door and LaVelle, his back-up dancer, answered, all sweaty and out of breath. The music was still going and I saw Michael and the other dancers choreographing.

I stared at Michael, dancing in front of a huge mirror on the hard wooden floor with his dancers. His hair was flying all over the place, his shirt opened, showing his wet V-neck underneath...I was in love with what I was seeing.

"Can I help you little miss?"

I snapped out of it and smiled at LaVelle. Michael didn't even notice me at the door he was working so hard. "What cha doing?"

"Michael's just rehearsing with us for some new material."

"LaVelle!?" Michael finally turned around and noticed me. "Oh hi," he said running up to me to give me a hug. "Come here!" He grabbed my arm and pulled to the 'dancefloor.' "Did you see the video?!" he yelled over the music.

I shook my head no.

"It came out like last week! Just walk as I chase you."

"What?!" I didn't understand his direction.

He cut off the music and I looked around the room. I noticed he pushed all the furniture back to the corners of the wall. "I want us to all to just watch the film again. I can probably use you," he said towards me.

I was excited because I hadn't seen it yet. It started out with a funky beat I was really enjoying. Then there were all these angry men and women yelling at each other and then at Michael. He then walked away and talked some old wise man and then the most beautiful girl appeared. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. I can't even explain why but it did.

I tried to just purely enjoy the video but watching him chase her did something to me. That's when I realized I was becoming the jealous type. I was never that way with my ex-husband, who was literally my ex-husband at this point, and that's probably how he got away with so much. I knew Michael and I weren't anything exclusive but still...I wanted him all to myself.

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