Chapter 16 - The Lady in my Life

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I turned and looked at Frank like he was crazy for yelling my name so loud.  His volume was very unnecessary being I was only two feet away from him.

"Come, please."

We were at rehearsals in Brisbane, Australia doing sound check.  I walked closer to him.  "What?"

"I need to talk to really quick."  He started walking and I followed behind him.  "Step into my office."  His office was Michael's empty dressing room.

"What?" I asked him again.

His eyes got big and he crossed his arms.  "This is has to end now."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Michael."

I placed my hand on my hip and turned away, rolling my eyes.  "Stay out of my business."

"Excuse me?  This is my business.  My business and you will not fuck this up."

I glared at him.

"It's not just because of Michael.  It's because of Greg."


He sighed and started pointing his arm towards me.  "I got Michael in one ear telling me he's in love with you and I got Greg in the other saying he's crazy about you and that you've inspired him to get a divorce."

I laughed.  "What?  First of all, I don't think Michael would be very happy to know you're speaking with me about this because he's never even expressed that to me.  He never said he was in love with me.  Second, what Greg and I had ended back in Tokyo.  We agreed to remain friends.  I don't feel that way about him."

"It doesn't matter.  You will NOT ruin the relationship Greg and Michael have.  They have a very special musical partnership and I will not have it end just because of some girl."

I couldn't believe this guy.  "Some girl?  I'm pretty sure I'm not just some girl to Michael."

"Oh yeah?  Trust me, you are.  I know this.  I've been working with Michael for a very long time and he's confided in me numerous times about him and his women.  You are not the only one in his life right now."

I didn't want to believe him but I was growing frightful on the inside.  I tried to hide my fear with a continuous scowl towards him as he spoke.

"It's only a matter of time before he chooses who he really wants to be with and I can't guarantee you it's gonna be you in the end."

I took a deep breath.  "What are you talking about?"

"Let's see we got Jamila, his girlfriend!"

"They broke up!"

"No, they didn't.   He was just on the phone with her in the car as we drove here.  She's the only one with the title 'girlfriend' but there are others.  He still sees Brooke every once in a while and by Brooke, I mean Brooke Shields.  They're way more than friends.  Then there's Tatiana.  Do you know who Tatiana is?"

I didn't say anything to him but my scowl was becoming weak and he could tell.

"She's the girl from his latest video.  She's a model.  Drop dead gorgeous.  Michael really likes her and some things have been happening between them but I can't really say what."

"Oh why?  You can spill everything else though right?"

"He keeps their relationship quiet with me.  He knows I'm against it.  There's something about her that doesn't rub me the right way but trust me, he's still talking to her behind my back."

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