Chapter 7 - I'm So Blue

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So much adrenaline.  So much excitement.  So much noise.  So many chills.  So many screams.  So many lights.  So many, so much. 

The magnitude of the tour didn't hit me until I walked out on that stage.  After just the first song, I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.  My nerves faded quickly.  I was so amped up on that stage.  The live show was a hundred times better than rehearsals.  The fans make such a big difference.  It was like a big party.  I loved it and I didn't want to leave.

Once it was time for me to do my duet with Michael, I feared my nerves would come back and interfere with my performance but they didn't.  The duet was a million times better than rehearsals.  Michael really put his all into the performance.  I was convinced once again that he really "couldn't stop loving" me.  He even bit his lip in the middle of the performance, my secret pleasure.  I was in heaven as he stared me in the eyes and sang with me.

When we embraced at the end of the song, I didn't want to let him go...but Bad was up next and it was the last song. 

"Wooo!  Woooo!" Michael yelled in excitement with a smile pointing at me, Darryl, Dorian, and Kevin.  He grabbed my hand and made me step out to take a bow.

Then he went around the stage shouting out the other band members before thanking the crowd and leaving the stage.

In the Van

"Am I the only one who noticed we got the 'woo' while everyone else got their first name?"

I looked at Darryl and laughed.  "Who cares?" 

"Well in rehearsals I thought he was just doing that but he really doesn't know our names?"

"He knows our name," Dorian snapped back.

"Well I guess we're not important enough."

I scowled at my band members.  "Am I the only one on cloud nine right now?"

Darryl looked at me.  "Nah, I'm still high from the show."

"Then why are you complaining?"

"I wasn't.  I was just making a joke."

It was silent for about twenty seconds and then Dorian started laughing out of nowhere making the rest of us laugh. We were out of it.

I couldn't sleep after the show.  There was too much adrenaline stuck inside me.  I dragged Jennifer and Greg and a few others down to the hotel's bar.  I wanted to go out to a club with my sister and brother but we had to do three shows in a row and Frank told us not to.  

I didn't stay out long but I had fun celebrating our first show.  I imagined myself doing the same the next night but to my surprise, I received a phone call that changed my plans.

I was lying back on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about José.  I talked to him briefly the night before after I was done with my show.  He seemed more jealous than happy for me.  His reaction to my success didn't shock me. 

When my room's phone began ringing, I ignored it for a few seconds, not taking my eyes off the bright white ceiling that had me caught in a gaze.  I slowly turned my head to face the phone and my arm reached out to grab it.

"Hello?" I said in a breathy voice.


I sat up realizing it was Michael.  I was a little shocked to hear him say my name.  I couldn't recall the last time I heard it come out of his mouth.

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