Chapter 22 - I'll Be There

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Shakira, it's Michael.  I really need to talk to you.  It's important that I do so please call back this number when you get a chance.

I was frozen in my chair.  I couldn't move.  I wanted to run to my phone and answer it but Michael was already gone.  My heart was pounding.  It was the only part of me moving, I felt like I wasn't even breathing.  I was in complete shock and I didn't know what to do or say.

I stared at Darryl on his knees before me.  He looked at me with tears in his eyes and I watched them fall.

"I..."  I couldn't answer him.  I started tearing.  I was finally gaining emotion and I just wanted to scream and hit him in the face.  "Why?"

"Because I love you!  I've been in love with you for so many years now.  Just give me a chance!  Jose hurt you, Greg hurt you, and now Michael.  When will you learn?"

I started shaking my head at him.  "Don't do this to us."

"Shakira, I love you.  Please...I'm not asking you to open your legs, just your heart."

I pushed him to down to the floor as a feeling of rage rumbled inside of me.  I stood up and started yelling down to him like he was a dog.  "Go!  Get out!" I  yelled pointing at the door.

He stood up to his feet.  "I didn't mean it that way!  I care about you!"

"You're asking me to marry you!  Not take it slow, not be you girlfriend but to marry you?!  Where the hell did this come from?"

"From here!" he said banging on his chest.  "Who was there for you when you couldn't speak a word of English?!  Who used to sing with you all night on the phone in middle school?!  Who was there for you when your husband started beating you?!"

I pushed him again.

"I was!  Because I love you!"

"I love you too but not like that!  You know that!  You're like a freaking brother to me!  This is disgusting!"  I started walking away to my bedroom to get away but he followed me, yelling.

"Why won't you just give me a chance?!"

I turned and got in his face as tears streamed down my face.  "You're a brother to me!  Nothing more!  And I hate you so much right now for ruining what we had!  I can never look at you the same again!"


"Just get out!" I yelled shutting my eyes.  I couldn't even look at him.  How dare he propose to me?  He was my first friend when I moved to America, and we'd been through so much together.  Yes he was always there for me but I always looked at him like a brother.  My parents looked at him like a son, my sister like brother.  I just couldn't wrap my head around it.  I was so upset. 

When I heard the front door slam, I ran to my phone to call Michael.  I pressed *69 and it rang and rang but no one answered.


As I sat in my office now, talking to Frank, all I kept thinking of was my phone back at home.  It was probably ringing with Shakira on the other line.  I had to rush here because Frank told me there was an emergency but it was something I could've easily handled over the phone.

I didn't care though.  I was already out so I was going to go to her house after I was done. 

"Hey guys!"  Darryl scared the mess out of me Frank and when he knocked on my opened door.  "They said you were in here and that I could talk to you for a minute.  It's very important."

"What's wrong?" I asked from behind my desk.

"I have to resign from my position."

Frank leaned on my desk and all I could see was it back but I knew he must've had the same shocked facial expression I did.  Darryl looked crazed.  He was sweaty, out of breath, talking really fast and making no sense. 

"Why?" I asked.

He threw his hands on his hips.

"What's wrong?"

"It's someone in the band.  I can't work with them anymore.  I refuse to but I'll stay until you can find a replacement."

I stood up from my chair and leaned over my desk.   I really didn't need this right now.  I was dealing with enough crap and this all seemed very juvenile.  "Did you think this through?"

"No," he said shaking his head and batting his eyes.  "I didn't have time to."

I snickered.  "I can tell.  Go home and think about it again and try to make up with...whomever.  I'm sure you can get through it."

"Who is it?" Frank asked him.

I didn't want to know who it was.  I just wanted him to fix it and move on.

"It's Shakira."

I tried not to react.

"What did she do to you?" Frank huffed.

"It's nothing."

I knew they were friends for a long time so I didn't really think anything of it.  "Darryl, you're really talented and I would hate to lose you over something stupid so please just really think this through."

He smiled at me and agreed.

"Come and let me talk to you for a minute."  Frank grabbed him and they left my office together, shutting the door behind them.

I picked up my phone and dialed Shakira's number.

"Hello?"  She sounded shaky.

"It's me."  She knew my voice.  I didn't need to address myself.  "Are you okay?" I pictured her on the other end shaking her head 'no.' She wasn't saying anything.  "What happened with you and Darryl?"

"What?" she asked sounding upset with me for asking.

"He just came to my office and tried to quit."

"Let him."

I sighed.  "I'll fire him if you really want me to."  There I was again, letting my guard down.

"'s okay.  He's just upset.  He'll get over it...I called you."


"Just an hour ago.  Can you please come see me?"

Knowing so much, I couldn't say no.

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