Chapter 3 - Just Good Friends

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"So Frank..."  I was with my manager in my hotel room.  I had him sitting with me at a table for a discussion about a few things with the upcoming tour.  "What do you think of that girl?  The singer."


"Yes, the little one."

Frank removed his cigar from his mouth.  "Oh no, Mike.  I need you focused on this tour."

"I'm talking about how she looks," I said laughing at him.

"Michael, no."

I looked at Frank and shook my head at him.  "No, I mean her look for the show.  I'm not interested in her." 

Frank didn't want me distracted by anything but I was serious when I said I wasn't interested.

"Well, she's a cute girl," he said with a shrug.

"Well I hear she's thinking about dying her hair blonde and I'm debating whether to interject or not."

Frank chuckled. "Why does it matter?"

"Because my guitar player Jennifer is already blonde. People are going to confuse the two."

"I doubt they'll confuse the girl with the guitar with the girl singing behind the microphone all night."

"Doesn't matter. I need..."  I forgot the girls name that fast.  "Sha..."  I was itching to say Sharika.

Frank leaned his ear towards me.  "Um, Kira?"

I laughed.  "Yes, Shakira.  I need Shakira to stand out. I'm not doing a short film for I Just Can't Stop Loving You so when people hear the song way down the line, they're always going to remember her. They're going to remember it live."

"Okay Mike," he snickered at me. "I'll tell her tomorrow."

"And I want her to start wearing heels from now on so when show time comes, she's ready and accustomed to them." I hesistated sipping my drink. "Wait, tomorrow? No tell her tonight. If anything, tell Greg to tell her.  They seem to be good buddies."

"Oh, he likes her," Frank said raising his eyebrows. "They like each other.  He's constantly flirting with her."

"Don't start gossip. He's not flirting.  That's just Greg."

"Sure,, okay, Michael." Frank stood. "Let me go find the loverboy now." 


I opened my door and was very shocked to see Greg.

"Oh hey," I laughed, shaking off my nerves.  "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you."  He invited himself in my room. 

I shut the door behind him and then turned and looked at him with an undying smile.  "What's up?"

"The boss has given the boss a message for you."


"Michael told Frank to tell me to tell you that you a few things. Well, a couple actually."

"What things?" I asked with piercing eyes.

"Number one," he said lifting his pointer, "you can't dye your hair blonde. Word got around to Michael and he's shutting it down. Two," middle finger went up, "start wearing high heels during rehearsal. It's part of your stage costume. We just want to make sure you're used to them by time first show comes around." He smiled at me only to soften the look on my face.

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