Chapter 24 - Good Times

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January 5th, 1988

I had an interview with E.T. I agreed to do it after Michael said he thought it would be a good idea. The questions were reasonable. Nothing crazy. I was actually enjoying it.

"How is it singing with him every night?"

"It's incredible. I mean, the energy between us is always so special to me. It's a lot of fun. Every show was different. It was never the same." I started thinking back to the show where he first kissed me.

"So are you looking forward to go back to the stage in the states?"

"Oh yes! I can't wait! I'm actually counting down the days by marking red X's on my calendar."

She started laughing.

"I'm like, addicted to being up there on stage now. It's like a drug and I'm going through withdrawal right now. I need it."

"It must be fun up there with everyone."

"Yeah, Michael and the band are great."

"Do you all get along?"

"Oh yes. We're like a family and I know most bands are always ready to bite each other's heads off but we actually get along quite well."

"So I hear you guys will be adding new songs to the set."

"Oh yeah," I said scratching my nose.

"And some songs will be taken out to make room for the new ones. Which songs will you miss most?"

I looked up trying to think for a moment. "Hmm, well I'm not sure what will be taken out but I have an idea. I'll definitely miss Lovely One."

"And why's that?"

"The energy on the stage is just amazing during the performance. I really enjoy the dancing but the main thing I'll miss is the ending, the breakdown was always so electrifying."

"What else?"

"I'll miss the breakdown definitely in Shake Your Body. That song was tons of fun to perform because we all got in on it, dancing wise. I was able to step out from behind the mic and it was just a lot of fun."

"What songs are you looking forward to performing?"

"I can't wait to see Michael perform Another Part of Me. I've seen him dance to it before so I know it's going to be amazing and Man in the Mirror."

"Oh yeah." The woman's eyes lit up.

"The song is so powerful and has such an-an important message, I just know it's going to beautiful." I made a mistake and looked at Frank and he made me laugh with his silent mocking. "Frank?"

"I'm sorry," he said laughing too.

"It's okay," the reporter said. "You can just keep going."

"When I first heard Man in the Mirror I actually cried. I was listening to it in my headphones and a tear fell from my cheek. It was just so...I don't any other word to use right now other than powerful, and beautiful," I laughed. "And truthful I guess. I totally agree with the message in the song."

"Have you been able to really get to know Mr. Jackson during your time with him on the tour?"

"Well, he's very busy so he doesn't get to spend any time with the band outside of rehearsals and the shows, unless there's an amusement park around, he has the whole thing shut down and we all go and have fun there for a few hours. But we all have a blast on the stage with him. He's very sweet and he's very professional. He's in charge of the whole shebang." I laughed at myself for using that word. "Um, but I've learned so much from him since August of last year. I know a lot now about touring and performing and I couldn't be any luckier to have such a wonderful teacher."

"What song is your favorite to watch him perform?"

"Human Nature." I didn't need any time to think about that question. "It's just him, the spotlight, his vocals and his dance moves. It's so alluring. The way the music takes over him, it's just very fascinating to watch."

"Are you scheduled to stay for the entire tour?"


"So you still have a full year ahead of singing I Just Can't Stop Loving You with Michael, huh?"

"Yes," I giggled. "And I can't wait. I mean this is only the beginning. I feel like Japan and Australia was a warm-up or something. We performed at sold out stadiums and the shows were amazing but we're about to do a whole new set. Those shows were something like a continuation of the Victory Tour but the Bad Tour is about to really start now. We actually will be going back to Tokyo I think because it's going to be a completely new show."

"So you're going to have to rehearse from scratch?"

"Yeah, we're going to be rehearsing in Florida starting next month."

"We have some fan questions for you now."

I didn't know about this part of the interview but I was cool. "Okay."

She started reading off of cards. She didn't state a name or where the person was from. She just read the questions. "I'm going to randomly choose here...Will Michael Jackson be performing Dirty Diana?"

"I'm not 100 % sure of the set list yet but I'm 99% sure he will," I said laughing.

"Okay. Well someone wants to know how you control yourself on stage with Michael every night when he's singing to you and looking you in the eyes. I quote this 'I would just die.'"

I started laughing again. "Well it's all about professionalism. At first, it was like a dream but I'm so used to it now, I can easily control myself and I don't get star struck around him anymore."

"Did you before?"

"A little. Well at first, yes of course but now we're cool."

"Someone flat out wants to know if you and Michael are secretly dating."

I shook my head back and forth. I kind of felt like those questions was secretly hers. "Well..." I said placing my finger on my chin. I started laughing as I saw Frank's face. He gave me crazy eyes. "I'm just kidding. No, we're not. Michael's too busy to have a girlfriend. Although, I do adore him, terribly, and I sometime joke around and refer to him as my boyfriend."

"And what does he say?"

"He just laughs. He's very shy but he likes to kid around a lot so he gets my sense of humor. "

"Well a girl can dream right?"

I started chuckling. "Yes, of course."

"One more question, what's something you want the world to know about Michael."

"That he's the sweetest person in the world. And the only reason I wouldn't say he's normal is because he's like a-genius. He's the best at what he does. He writes, he sings, he dances, he's produces and he gives killer performances and at the end of it all, he does it for the children. He really believes that they're the only people who he can truly understand him and who can love him without judgment. And I think it's true. The children are the future. Therefore it's important to give them what they need so they can grow to be strong independent individuals. They need attention, education, food and all of that but most importantly they need to start off with love. And that's what Michael is. He's the definition of love to me."

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