Chapter 12 - I Can't Help It

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Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael!

I couldn't get him out of him head.  I was in my hotel room sitting on the edge of my bed, gripping the sheets, praying he wouldn't forget about me.  I needed to see him now!

My heart started pounding when my phone started ringing.  I jumped up and ran to it. 

"Hello?" I asked squeezing my eyes shut.

"Umm..."  It was him!  "You made it back fast."

"I rushed here.  I didn't even shower yet."

"Why not?" he asked laughing.

"I need to see you."

"Come to my suite then."



"Okay.  Let me just take a shower first."

"No. You can shower here.  Just hurry.  I want to see you too."

"Okay."  I hung up the phone without saying 'goodbye.' 

I just wanted to see him and feel his sweet lips on mine again.  I went to his suite wearing a t-shirt and some flannel pants.  There was no guard in front of his door this time so I knocked waiting for one of them to answer.

The door opened and I looked up and saw Michael.  I inhaled and kept it there for a moment.  "Hi," I said exhaling.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me in the room.  The door swung shut and I looked around the room.  "Did you get in trouble?"  I didn't see anyone around and I didn't hear anything.

"Get in trouble for what?"

I looked at him and smiled.  He was still in his clothes from the show.  "I see you didn't shower either."

"I wanted to talk to you right away."

"About what?"  I stared him down, admiring his crazy hair.  I stepped a little closer to him.  He smelled like baby powder.

"About what happened.  I'm sorry if I-"

"Sorry?" I laughed.  "Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know what made me do that," he said smiling faintly.

"Well I'm glad you did it."  I pressed my hand against his cheek as he smiled brightly.  "I didn't mean to hurt you the other day.  I'm sorry."

He stepped closer to me and leaned his forehead on mine.  "I kind of need you right now so please don't disown me while you're away."

I darted my eyes from left to right, trying to figure out where his security and staff were.

He lifted his head.  "There's no one here.  Just us."

"You always have people in here."

"No, actually it's rare that I do.  I hardly let anyone in here."

"They were in Tokyo."

"They were doing something.  But all that matters now is that we're alone, again."

I smiled at him and put my arms around his neck and he did the rest. 

He leaned in to kiss me.  His lips felt so good on me.  I felt that spark again. I felt myself falling in love with him. 

"I have to take a shower," he said as he stopped.

"You're fine."

"I feel disgusting.  Just wait for me in my room."

"I have to take one too," I whined.

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