Chapter 20 - Push Me Away

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I ran outside and Michael was sitting in his car with his head back on the seat.  He was staring upward, deep in thought.  I walked to the car and knocked on the window.  He didn't look at me; he only moved his arm and rolled down his window.  "What?" he asked with an attitude.

"What did she say to you?"

He picked his head up.  "Enough."  He put his key in his ignition and started the car.  "I have to go."

"I'm supposed to go with you."

"Meet me there."

"Can you look at me?!"

He looked at me with uninterested eyes.

"Why are you so angry?"

"Why is Carla calling your house?"

"Did she know it was you she was talking to?"

He shrugged his shoulders.  "Why does that matter?  Look, I really have to go."  He put his hand on the steering wheel, and looked back to get ready to reverse out of the driveway.

"Where does Greg live?"

He turned around and looked at me with stricken eyes.  "What?"

"I need to see her."  I was uncomfortable asking but he was the only one who could tell me.

He laughed and looked away and then backed out.  I saw him put his shades on and then he sped off.

Michael wouldn't tell me where Greg lived so I had no choice but to call Greg's residence back and find out.  His wife was happy to tell me.

Hands down, the most awkward situation I had ever been in.  We were in the laundry room of their home.  I was leaning on the washing machine and they yelled back and forth at each other.  I just stared down at the floor and shut my eyes and wished I was somewhere else far away.

Carla began crying.  She was too choked up now to say anything.  I watched as Greg sighed and went to hold her in his arms.

"Why am I here?" I finally break my silence asking.

Greg looked at me, rubbing her back.  "I'm sorry."

"Just leave him alone," I heard her say, muffled in his shirt.

"Look."  I go behind Greg's back so I can make eye contact with her.  "I'm sorry about what happened between Greg and me.  I didn't know he was married until you showed up at rehearsals that day."  I was telling her the truth but I didn't feel it was necessary to mention I slept with him once or twice afterwards during weak moments.  "I really have to go."

"I have to go too," Greg said looking at her.

"You expect me to trust you two?"  She looked back and forth between me and Greg.

"I hardly even talk to Greg anymore.  What we had ended a long time ago and it was more of a musical chemistry we had going on."  I was basically trying to throw all the blame on him and he was letting me.

"Baby, you don't have anything to worry about," Greg said, trying to reassure his wife.  "But I really have to go."

Carla and Greg started staring at each other.  The moment just got more awkward.

I didn't know if I should've said something or what so I slowly just walked away.  I slowly just walked out the room and out the front door to my car.  I sat there for a minute, just gathering all my thoughts, trying to wrap my head around what I was just thrown into and was a complete waste of my time.

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