Chapter 15 - We're Almost There

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It was dark, Michael wanted lights off. But it wasn't quiet. Wasn't quiet at all. The rock of the bed and high vocals of my pleasure was causing a ruckus. Michael was on the bed under me holding steady on my waist as I rode him. He felt so good, so full and stiff inside of me. At first it was a bit much to take in. It had been a while and I hadn't had anyone before so—blessed? But after a good few strokes, I found my rhythm. I was in heaven.

"Come here," he said, pushing me forward with his hand on the back of my neck.

My grind slowed down as we began kissing, and those three words wanted to slip from my lips into his mouth so bad. This couldn't just be lust. Not the way he was holding me. Just like my dream, I was falling in love. We were falling in love.

Michael started moving my hips back and forth, interrupting our kiss. I buried my face in his neck and cried there in ecstasy, praising the work of his hands and hips. Soon after without warning, he flipped me on my back, causing me to laugh. In my ear, he softly laughed too. "My turn," he whispered.

"Your turn?"

Michael stuck himself inside me again, and he didn't go crazy like I did. He pumped slow, achingly slow, so I could feel every inch of him. Cursing under my breath, I knew I wasn't going to last long. And I didn't. I was coming in under two minutes.

Jennifer asked me to go out with her for breakfast and sight-seeing the next morning.  Tired, I agreed to go.  Very smiley and out of it, reminiscing about the night before, I followed behind her and pretended like I was listening to every word she said.

"What the hell's gotten into you?" she asked me over our food.

"Last night.  I was with Michael in his suite...long night."

"What?"  She had a huge smile on her face.  She started laughing.  "Did you guys actually do something??  Because you're very smiley.  It's starting to annoy me."

I kept shaking my head 'yes' with a big smile. 

"Wow.  I hate myself for asking you this but was he any good?" she giggled.  "Did he satisfy you, crazy lady?"

"Yes and yes and more. I hardly gave up control."

She laughed again.  "Well you wasted no time, huh?"

I looked at her.  "You can't tell anyone."

"Of course I won't," she said taking a bite of her food.

I was quiet for a moment and Jennifer could tell I wanted to say something else.

"What?" she asked smiling.

I didn't want to say it loud.  I looked at her and mouthed, "He's huge."

Jennifer started choking on her food and she spit it out.

"Eww," I said looking away.

She took a sip of her drink trying to hold her laugh.  "I did NOT need to know that.  I really didn't."

"I'm sorry," I said putting my head down in shame for mentioning it.  "But I was shocked.  I mean I didn't see it because we were in the dark but I definitely felt it."

"How the hell did it happen?"

"Well I told him I wanted him.  I was with him in his suite watching him rehearse with LaVelle, Randy, Evaldo, and Dominic.  I kicked them all out at around 2 I think because I was getting all worked up just watching him dance."

"Oh my God."

"So I kicked them out and I don't just happened."  I wasn't going to give her a play by play.  I didn't think she would want one anyway.

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