Chapter 9 - Behind the Mask

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"Where's Shakira?" I asked Frank as he walked in my room alone.  I asked him to have her come up.

"She was on her way out to meet with her family.  It's their last day in Japan and they're all going to visit the children's hospital."


"Her father is a pediatrician.  He has his own practice in St. Louis and she said he loved to travel and visit the children and give gifts and donations.  Something like what you do.  She said her family was big on giving back."

"We could've all went together."  I couldn't stop smiling.  It was nice to hear I and her father shared a passion.

"I'm sure they didn't want the chaos you would bring along."

I felt a little offended but I let it go.  "Well when is she coming back?"

"I don't know.  I told her to call me when she does."


Frank walked over to me and stood before me.  "What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You've been trying to get her alone with you for a while now.  What's the problem?"

I laughed and looked away.  "Frank, don't be nosey."

"I'm not being nosey.  Tell me."

I knew I could trust Frank.  I confided in him in many things including my relationships so I told him.  I told him how I was truly feeling about Shakira.


I enjoyed spending time with my family visiting the children.  I almost forgot I was on tour.  I felt at home again with them.  A few people recognized me and the children bombarded me with questions.  I didn't mind at all.  I loved it. Most of the talking was through translation but we were all on the same page.  It was fun.

On my ride back to the hotel where my family was staying, I was quiet.  I was sad they had to leave.  I walked them up to their room and stayed with them a while.  We had lunch together. 

"Shaki, I just want to express again how proud I am of you," my father said to me.

"Thanks, dad."

"Soak it all in.  Your time is coming."

I giggled.  "I know.  I tell people I'm away at college.  I'm learning so much."

"That's good.  And Michael is the best teacher for you to have.  He's incredible.  I'm sad to go.  I would go to every show if I could."

"I would love to sit back in the audience and watch the show actually."

"Well we recorded it," my mother said smiling proudly at me.  "When you come back to St. Louis we'll all watch it together.  I just wish your Joey could've been there."

I didn't want to think of 'my husband.'  We could never have a decent conversation on the phone anymore so we just stopped contacting each other all together.  And that morning I noticed my wedding ring was nowhere to be found.  I didn't even care about finding it.  I was just happy my parents didn't notice and ask about it.

Saying goodbye to the four of them involved a lot of tears.  I really didn't want them to leave.  I got spoiled with having them around.  I got them to extend their stay once before so I knew I had no chance in making them stay longer.  They had jobs to get back too.  So after long hugs and kisses, I was on my way downstairs to go back to my hotel.

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