Chapter 25 - Wait

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Pensacola, Florida

February 2, 1988

The clouds were gray, the rain was hitting down hard and the sky was rumbling and flashing every ten seconds. I arrived to Florida a few days earlier and Michael was supposed to arrive today but by the way it was looking outside, I was pretty pessimistic about it.

I was feeling gloomy. The weather was sucky and it was my birthday. I just wanted to be in Michael's arms.

When I heard a knock on my door, I jumped up in excitement and ran to answer it, praying my love would be on the other side.

But it wasn't him. It was Darryl. "Happy birthday!"

I smiled and thanked him. We never really talked after his shocking and traumatizing proposal.

"I wanted to take you out to eat for some lunch."


"Because it's your birthday and I think it's time for us to talk now."

"No Darryl," I denied softly.

He started laughing. "I'm sorry about what happened. I was just tired of seeing you hurt and I did something....I don't even want to talk about it anymore. As a friend, I just want to help you celebrate."

I honestly did miss our friendship so I took him up on the offer. I'm happy I did because we were able to put the craziness behind us and make amends. I wasn't sure if we would ever be able to be close again though.

When I got back to my room and opened the door, I was completely blown away at what was in front of me. It wasn't Michael, but a room full of roses. I inhaled the scent of the fresh flowers and shut my door. They were all red and there were so many of them spread out in bunches, neatly placed in beautiful vases, each one beautifully and uniquely designed.

I walked over to the one on my night stand and picked up the card stuck inside. I opened it and in fancy font it read:

My mother once told me 18 roses symbolizes apology. So I send you this many because I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you on your birthday. I love you, Michael.

I just couldn't stop smiling as I began blushing. I sat on the edge of the bed and picked up the phone to call him.

"Hello?" he answered, sounding tired.

"Thank you! I love it!"

"I'm so sorry I'm not there. My flight was cancelled because of the weather."

"It's okay, honey. Thank you so much for the roses." He remembered I told him they were my favorite flower.

"You are very welcome, my love."

"Why do you sound so sad?" I kicked off my heels.

"Because I miss you."

"It's just a birthday. It's not that big of a deal."

"If it weren't your birthday, I'd still miss you."

I leaned back on the pillow and put my feet up. "Well, if 18 roses means I'm sorry, why do I have so many in here? You're saying sorry ten times?"

He started laughing. "No, silly. You didn't read the other card?"

"There's another one?"

"There's supposed to be. Go find it, I'll wait."

I set the phone down on the bed and jumped up to find it. It was attached to the vase near the window.

My oldest sister Rebbie once told me if you send someone 99 roses, it means "I will love you for as long as I live." Just in case you miscount, know that you are surrounded by 99 roses, sent from me. Love you always, Michael.

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