Chapter 26 - Human Nature

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Our conversation was too deep.  I was doing such a good job distancing myself from Greg but the phone conversation we had ended with him begging me to come to his room.  Of course I didn't go but he was still viewing me as the girl he first met back when we first came to Florida.  I wasn't that girl anymore.  I was happy in a relationship with Michael, not miserable in a marriage. 

Shakira?  Shakira?  Shakira?

I thought I was dreaming of Michael calling my name but as I slowly opened my eyes, I could see a blurred vision of him, hovering over me with a fedora on.  As my vision became clearer, I could tell I wasn't dreaming and that he was really there, standing over me.

"What is this?"

I sat up and looked at the empty wine bottle in his hand.  "What?"

"You were drinking last night?"  His tone sounded unpleasing.

"No.  Jennifer drank it all."  I started yawning.  "I had water."

He put the bottle down and tried to kiss me but I turned away. 

"I have to brush my teeth."  I ran off to the bathroom and locked the door.  I could hear him laughing.  I hurried and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash.  I wasn't really concerned with morning breath in the first place, I just really didn't want him to smell the alcohol on my breath from the night before.  I shouldn't have lied to him but...he just wouldn't understand.  I had a rough night on the phone with Greg.

I greeted Michael with a kiss as I entered back into the room.  "I missed you."

"I missed you more." 

We began kissing again, just catching up on all the love we missed out on.

"I can't stay long.  I just wanted to say hello and see if you were taking care of your roses."

"Oh of course."  I rested my hands on his shoulders.   "So I'll see you at rehearsals?"

He shook his head up and down.

I slid my right hand down to the middle of his chest.  I could feel his heart pounding rapidly.  "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why?"

I tapped his chest twice.

"I'm having heart palpitations.  It's normal when I'm around you."

"Still?" I asked raising my brow.

"Yes, still.  I don't make your heart flutter anymore?"

I laughed as he took it upon himself to check. 

He slid his hand up my shirt, brushing past my belly button and resting it in between my breasts.  "You can't fool me."

I removed his hand abruptly.  "You already know you do.  Don't start anything you can't finish."

He surrendered his hands.  "Fine.  Because I have to go now."  He gave me another sweet kiss on the lips.  "I'll see you later, in like three hours," he said looking at his watch.

"Okay."  I grabbed his hand and didn't let go until distance pulled us apart.  I felt myself missing him already as the door closed shut.

I went and got ready for rehearsals.  The band always seemed to arrive before Michael so three hours really meant four.

Pensacola Civic Center

As we waited for Michael, we were able to let loose and have a little fun before the boss man arrived.  I started singing on the mic, center stage, something I had been working on.  It was Human Nature but a Spanish version.

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