Chapter 19 - State of Shock

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I behaved myself when Michael showed me his room but once I got him back to my house, I was free to do whatever I wanted with I did.

I thought he was going to jet out of there once we were done catching up but he fell asleep on my bed.  I was hungry so I thought about ordering out.  I didn't cook and Michael didn't know that part about me so I wasn't sure if it would be a problem.  I never saw him eat anyway.

I went in my kitchen and looked around to see what I could whip up.  Jose didn't leave me with much and I hadn't really gone food shopping since I'd been home.  I was ordering out just about every night and I know that wasn't the best thing to do but I couldn't rely on my mother or Jose anymore for a good home cooked meal.  So I relied on all the restaurants of L.A.

I had peanut butter but no jelly, cereal but no milk...what the hell?  I scrambled around my practically empty fridge, going over everything I had again and again.  I shut the door and went to the pantry to look there one last time.  Back to the fridge I went as if something would magically appear.

"Butter," I whispered to myself with a smile.  I grabbed the butter and cheese and kicked the fridge shut.  I placed it on the counter and went searching for a pan, making more noise than I hoped.  I placed the pan on the stove and turned the fire on.  I ran to peek on Michael to make sure I didn't wake him but he was still sound asleep.

Grilled Cheese was something I could never forget how to make.  It was what I ran to on the nights my mother was too tired or sick to cook when I was younger. 

I made four because I was really hungry and wanted two and I didn't know about Michael but he was a man so I figured he would want more than one.

I didn't want to wake him so I ate alone in the kitchen at the table.  I was surprised to see him come in after I got done with my first sandwich.  "That was a quick nap."

"I smelled food," he said smiling.  He walked towards me and sat in front of the plate with a napkin over it.  "Is this mine?"  He looked pleased.

I tried to hold in my laugh and shook my head up and down as I sipped my water. 

He uncovered his plate and inhaled deeply hovering over it.  "Mmmm."

I started laughing out loud.  "I'm sorry.  It's all I really know how to make and someone told me you were a vegetarian so..."  As if I had meat to cook anyway...

"It's perfectly fine.  Thank you."  He grabbed the sandwich with his two hands and began digging in.  "It's tasty," he said covering his mouth as he chewed.


He finished chewing and then began speaking again.  "You don't cook?"

I hated to confess to him but I couldn't lie.  "No, not really.  I could never see myself in the kitchen cooking every night for my family like I watched my mother do.  I mean every night."

He started giggling and then took another bite.

"Does that scare you away?"

He shook his head 'no.'  "Well..."  He shrugged his shoulders and waited until his mouth was empty again.  "I'm not big on eating but I guess I should worry about our children."

I smiled at him.  "Our children?"

He stuffed the rest of the sandwich in his mouth to avoid answering my question. 

I giggled at him.  "And what do you mean you're not big on eating?  Who says things like that?"

All he could do was shrug his shoulders again.

I started on my second sandwich and waited for him to talk again.  But as soon as he was done, he started devouring the next one.

"Well...I really enjoyed seeing your home today.  It's very beautiful."

"Thank you," he said with a full mouth.

I looked at him and shook my head.

He took a deep breath after he took his last bite.  There was no running away now.

"Our children?"

"It was just a thought.  Don't take everything I say so serious."

I didn't know if I should've been offended or calmed.

"Are you going to come on set tomorrow?  Jennifer will be there."

I laughed at him trying to bribe me with the one girl he knew I was close to.  "I told you I would be there."  Then I thought about it...Jennifer?  "What's Jenn doing on your set?"

"She's my guitarist," he said raising his eyebrows and looking at me as if I were foolish.   "We're doing a performance for part of the movie."

"A performance?"  I was getting a little jealous.  "She's going to be in the movie?"

He shook his head up and down.  "May I have something to drink?"  He reached across the table and started drinking my water.

I was eyes were focused somewhere past him as I was thinking about Jennifer being in the movie.

"Hey?" he called.

I felt his hand on mine and looked at him.  

"Are you upset?"

I gazed into his eyes filled with worry.  "No," I said with a smile that only lasted a second.

Michael stayed with me the whole night.  We fell asleep on the small couch together and woke up a bit sore.

The house phone woke us both up.  Michael thought it would be funny if he answered.  I told him he and my parents were the only ones who called me.

"Hello?" he asked in a high pitched voice, I guess trying to sound like me.  "Yes, she's here.  Who's speaking?"  He tried to hold back his laughs.  I couldn't hear what was being said on the other end. 

But then I just saw Michael's smile disappear and his voice go back to normal.  "I'm sorry, who is this?"  He looked at me, and the way he was looking at sent a painful chill in my body.  He looked confused, and upset.  I thought it was maybe my ex.  They were giving him an earful though because he just stood there, painfully staring at me with disgust.

"Umm, okay," he said them cutting them off.  "Hold on."  Narrowing his eyes at me, he handed me the phone and then walked away.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey?"  I didn't recognize the female's voice.  "This is Carla, Greg's wife."

My heart dropped and then came right back up and got lodged in my throat.  "Hello," I said as calm as I could.

"I was wondering if you could make it to my house this morning."

I didn't even know this woman.  "Is there a problem?"

She sighed very loudly in my ear.  "Listen, I rather not have you pretend you don't know what's going on here.  I know about you and my husband and I would very much appreciate it if you came to my house this morning."

I shook my head at her bold tone.

"He has to get down to the studios soon to work with Michael so I really want you here as soon as possible so we can all talk before he leaves."

I laughed.  "I'm sorry.  I won't be able to do that."  I heard my front door shut and I quickly turned to find Michael nowhere in sight.  "Look, I really have to go."

"I really need you here!  It won't take long."  She sounded really upset but desperate.

"Okay!  I'll be there!"  I hung up the phone without even asking her address.  I just wanted to catch Michael before drove off.

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